Chapter 24 Sin and Mankind
Fallen Nature Adam and Eve committed Original Sin Lost sanctifying grace God’s life in our souls Selfishness and pride entered into hearts Weakened souls Concupiscence – inclination to sin Baptism strengthens us Removes Original Sin Doesn’t remove concupiscence
Temptation Temptation = enticement to sin Always comes before sin Misleads us to think that what is wrong may actually be right Often come through occasions of sin Knowing what leads us astray leads us to conquer it Three things that lead us into temptation World Persons/created things that lead us astray Flesh Our own inner urges Devil Satan and evil spirits who try to lead us astray
Capital Sins (7 Deadly Sins) Pride: An exaggerated opinion of oneself Avarice: Uncontrolled desire for earthly goods Envy: Unhappiness regarding another’s success Wrath: Uncontrolled displeasure Lust: Uncontrolled desire for sexual pleasure Gluttony: Uncontrolled use of food and drink Sloth: Laziness/carelessness in important things
Sin Sin – Offense against God 2 kinds of sin Thought Word Action Omission (inaction) 2 kinds of sin Original Actual Sins we actually commit Split into mortal and venial
Mortal Sin Kills God’s life in our souls 3 conditions Grave matter Full knowledge Full intent
Venial Sin Weaken our relationships with God “Venial” = “Forgivable” Should still avoid these, as they lead to worse sins Does not remove Sanctifying Grace “Venial” = “Forgivable” Still need to be confessed Gives us the grace to not commit them again
Conscience Conscience = act of the intellect by which we judge right from wrong Must be properly formed Not jiminy cricket – because it’s an internal voice Formed by learning what the Church teaches Following the teachings of our parents and those in proper authority Thomas Aquinas: “Follow your conscience, no matter what”