Michael Ewing Coordinator of the Environmental Pillar Public Participation Networks Creating and promoting a Vision of Well-Being for Our Communities for This and Future Generations Michael Ewing Coordinator of the Environmental Pillar
Local Authority Bodies The reason for the PPN’s existence is to enable two way interaction between civil society and local government The PPNs are to develop and work towards a vision for the well-being of this and future generations
Public Participation Networks (PPNs) and their “Visions For Community Well-Being” The Plenaries of the County/City PPNs and the Municipal District PPNs will commence their work by going through a process to set out what they consider is necessary to promote well-being in their community for present and future generations. This statement will act as a guiding vision statement for everything done by the group that drew up the statement e.g. choosing representatives, taking positions on issues, developing activities of any kind etc. 18/07/2014
Public Participation What? From engagement to participation Why? To enable the whole community to participate in decision- making to improve the well-being of this and future generations. Who? All groups with a stake in the area or issues 18/07/2014
Kilkennny PPN https://youtu.be/PiNowh2wY1g
County/City PPN All registered organisations in the County/City are members of the County/City PPN. They work together on agreed objectives based on promoting the well-being of this and future generations in this area. County/City Plenary 18/07/2014
Municipal District PPN Each Municipal District will have a PPN. Develops its own vision for the wellbeing of its community for this and future generations Has the freedom to engage as it sees fit in whatever way it wishes to promote local development and in this way it can harness local capacity and strengthen local development in a very real manner. Municipal District Plenary 18/07/2014
The Secretariat Flat task oriented structure to empower its members Communications hub for the PPN Facilitate the implementation of the decisions of the Plenary Ensure the proper functioning of the PPN in between Plenaries Coordinate activities of PPN Line-Manage the resource worker who will be provided to PPN at a county level to enable them in delivering their objectives
Creation Set-up and Operation of the PPNs
All Community Groups in the county/City can be members 18/07/2014
Community groups are asked to declare that they are one of the following types 18/07/2014
The three Electoral Colleges form the Plenary of the PPN The three Electoral Colleges form the Plenary of the PPN. The Plenary of the PPN is the ruling body of the County/City PPN. 18/07/2014
Local Authority Committee When a position arises on a council committee, the Council writes to the Secretariat and asks them to nominate someone. The Secretariat writes to all community groups and invites them to a meeting. At the meeting an attendance list is taken 18/07/2014
Attendance list becomes Linkage Group 18/07/2014
PPN Linkage Groups Role is central How it works Communications protocols Each representative taking up a position for the PPN must Represent the views of all the members of the Linkage Group and not just those of their own organisation. Abide by the communications protocols set out above. 18/07/2014
Local Authority Committee 18/07/2014
The only exception is for the LCDC The only exception is for the LCDC. Here, the colleges are asked to meet separately and nominate someone(s) to the LCDC 18/07/2014
Each of the colleges elects 2 people to the Secretariat 18/07/2014
All community groups in each Municipal District come together to form the Municipal District Plenary which is the ruling body of the Municipal District PPN. 18/07/2014
At each Municipal District meeting the attendees are asked to elect 1 person to the Secretariat of the PPN 3 18/07/2014
Secretariat now has 9 (or more) members Secretariat now has 9 (or more) members. It is a support/service mechanism for the PPN but is not the decision-making body! 2 9 18/07/2014
Local Community Development Committee Local Government (Amendment) Act 2014 THE LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (SECTION 128E) REGULATIONS 2014, SI 234 of 2014
Local Economic & Community Plan LECP will be a 6 year plan The duration of the first LECP will be extended or shortened to facilitate synchronisation with the RSES Prepared by the LCDC and the local authority 2 Elements A local economic element—prepared by local authority A community development element—prepared by the LCDC The LCDC will be established as a committee of the local authority . Local Gov Act 2014. The LCDC will be independent of the local authority in the discharge of its functions. 18/07/2014
Thank You Go raibh maith agaibh www.environmentalpillar.ie 26/03/2014 Environmental Pillar