18 March 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Superframe Extension for 802.15.4] Date Submitted: [18 March 2008] Source: [Benjamin Rolfe] Company [Blind Creek Associates] [Zafir Sahinoglu] Company [MERL] Address [] Voice:[], E-Mail: [ben@blindcreek.com, zafer@merl.com] Re: [] Abstract: Overview of proposed Superframe extension for beacon enabled PAN to accommodate added GTS slots and providing a CAP following the GTS slots, with ability to support operation of legacy nodes in the same PAN. Purpose: Stimulate discussion in the task group 15.4e Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Rolfe, Sahinoglu
Application Needs Lower, Deterministic Latency 18 March 2008 Application Needs Lower, Deterministic Latency 50 to 100ms maximum range Enhance reliability in noisy environment Better channel utilizations Higher payload bursts Rolfe, Sahinoglu
Superframe Extension Concept 18 March 2008 Superframe Extension Concept Beacon CAP CFP ECFP ECAP Inactive SFED Extended Superframe structure example Existing Superframe structure example Rolfe, Sahinoglu
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> 18 March 2008 Goals Provide CAP following GTS slots CAP for retransmission of failed GTS frame to enhance reliability and reduce latency in noisy channel Allow for more than 7 GTS slots for latency critical applications Preserve Legacy Compatibility Superframe structure preserved Extension treated as inactive period by legacy device Rolfe, Sahinoglu <author>, <company>
Issues PAN Forming and Maintaining GTS Allocation and Management 18 March 2008 Issues PAN Forming and Maintaining Beacon changes Superframe spec Reserved bit c/b used as extension indication Add SF-E spec as IE-type structure in beacon payload (ignored by legacy devices) GTS Allocation and Management Simultaneous Piconets Rolfe, Sahinoglu
GTS Management Overhead Concern 18 March 2008 GTS Management Overhead Concern Issue: GTS contention overhead in CAP Similar for any/all management frames Superframe Extension with modified ECAP divided (normal and management parts) Changes confined to extension so no impact to legacy devices Beacon CAP CFP ECFP ECAP MGT CAP Inactive SFED SFE with Management CAP Rolfe, Sahinoglu
18 March 2008 Thank You Rolfe, Sahinoglu