CS Graduate Orientation August 21, 2013 Slides from today are available at grad/orientation13f/ Welcome
Introductions Chairs Welcome Graduate Program Directors Welcome Degree Requirements and Administrative Information Peer advisors Mixer Agenda
Where are you from? (country, school, job, etc.) Are you here for MS or PhD? What is your intended research area? What do you like to do for fun? Anything else youd like to share about yourself? Introductions
Don't drop a course after September 9, the add deadline, without talking with Terry. REMEMBER: no addition is allowed after the 2rd week of the term, even an increase of the research hours; Graduate Program Director, p. 1
Do not fall behind on courses: form study groups; there are other students interested; If you are a TA, attend the meetings of your TA-professor; answer s; Explain to the TA/RA supervisor how to reach you. Graduate Program Director, p. 2
In your packets Places and keys People MS Requirements PhD Requirements Registration and paperwork Financial Degree requirements and administrative Information
Salmon form for your reference Blue information form to fill out and return. Also update your information in SIS Concur form – will be discussed a little later in the presentation Ticket to School of Science picnic Slides In your packets
Lally, Amos Eaton, MRC, Winslow. plan.html Conference rooms, kitchenettes Amos Eaton: lounge, student mailboxes Lally: dept. office, faculty mailboxes, photocopier, fax CS library (i.e. bookshelf) Places
You will share an office with others in your research group. If your research advisor is in a different department, your advisor should provide space there. Your office is a research office, not for TA office hours. If you are not yet settled with a research group, your office may be AE 110. Student offices, p. 1
Talk with your officemates about sharing space, who sits at which desk. Work with officemates to make your office nice. Check with staff if your office needs anything, such as a chair, desk, white board, etc. Check phone and phone number. Repair problems may be sent to Student offices, p. 2
Check with all your officemates, and if you find things that belong to none of the occupants, discard them. Or if you think someone may want them, check with department staff. When you move out, be courteous to future occupants and remove your stuff. Student offices, p. 3
You will receive an when keys are ready to be picked up. Staff have master keys Keys everyone will get: –Amos Eaton building –Key to general access rooms within Amos Eaton and Lally such as lounge, kitchenette, photocopier room –Key to your office Keys
If your office is in Lally, you will also get Lally building key. Lally building key works in front door and one of two back doors. To unlock Lally front door, turn key, then push button. Keys, part 2
If your office is in MRC, you will also get office key, kitchenette key, photocopier key, and card access to building. If your advisor is outside CS or in Tetherless World, get office assignment and key through advisor Keys, part 3
Chris Coonrad –Dept. Secretary. Office supplies, photocopier, fax, mail, telephones, travel reimbursements. Terry Hayden – Graduate program manager. David Goldshmidt – Undergraduate program manager. Pam Paslow – Student payroll. Sharon Simmons – Assistant to department head. Administrative Staff
Degree requirements Exceptions to degree requirements Program changes (such as MS to PhD) Changing advisors Office of Graduate Education forms and rules Contact me for
Usual hours: M-F 8:30-5:00, lunch 12-1 No appointment needed Dont worry about interrupting my work: my work is to help you. If my door is shut, Im either not there, or busy. If Im not there, Chris Coonrad can tell you whether Ill be right back. If I dont reply to your , stop by my office. How to contact me
Peter Bailie and Steven Lindsey Your CS password will be ed to your RPI account. For information on CS accounts see: bHome Contact for questions not covered by twiki. System Administrators
Research advisor Academic advisor Provisional research advisor CS advisor Types of advisors
Role of advisor – funding, evaluating progress Meet your advisor regularly (weekly is good) If you want to change advisors, talk to the advisor you want to switch to. If he/she agrees to the change, let me know and Ill make the change. You should also inform your original advisor about the switch. Advisors
CSCI-6140 Operating Systems CSCI-6050 Computability and Complexity 1 systems course, 1 theory course At least 18 credits at 6000 level 6 credit thesis 30 credits total Colloquium attendance Committee by degree application deadline Oral presentation MS Requirements
File Plan of Study from by end of spring semester html GPA at least 3.0 Graduate within two and a half years SAP Requirements: MS
File DSYR and Plan of Study form at end of every spring semester. GPA at least 3.0 Pass candidacy by specified deadline Graduate within 5 years if you have a prior MS Graduate within 7 years without prior MS SAP Requirements: PhD
Core qualifying exam: within 3 semesters. Committee Research qualifying exam: within 2 years Candidacy exam: within 3 years 1 public talk Colloquium attendance during first 2 years Defense and thesis submission PhD Requirements
72 credits if you do not have prior MS –At least 36 course credits –At least 24 research credits –You can also get MS on way to PhD with a few additional requirements. 48 credits if you have prior MS: –At least 12 course credits –At least 24 research credits At least 2/3 of course credits at 6000 level. PhD Credit Requirements
Must do well in courses in 5 areas. 3 required areas Choose 2 of 7 optional areas. PhD Core Qualifying Exam, p. 1
Must get at least 2 As, no more than 1 B+. If grade is not good enough, take another course in the area. Must complete by end of third semester. If course is offered at both 4000 and 6000 level, must take 6000 level. Details at PhD Core Qualifying Exam, p. 2
Full-time graduate students must attend at least 32 colloquia or 50% of those offered in their first 2 years. Sign-in sheet at colloquia. MS students who finish in less than 2 years must attend 8 per semester or 50%. Not applicable for part-time students. All are encouraged to attend. Colloquium Attendance
Graduate students are reviewed at the end of each semester. You will receive a report about how you are doing on and expectations for the coming semester. Includes how many colloquia you have attended and how many core qualifying exam areas you have passed. Semiannual review of students
Full-time status is required for TA eligibility RA eligibility For international students, F-1 visa For US students, certain types of aid eligibility or loan deferment Full-time status
TAs must take at least 9 credits. Others must take at least 12 credits. You cant drop credits if doing so will take you below the minimum. After the add deadline, you cant add credits to make up for dropped credits. Increasing the number of research credits counts as an add. Maintaining Full-time status
Maximum number of credits covered by full-time tuition is 15. TAs often take 2-3 classes. You can use research credits to take more credits without taking more classes. How many credits to take
1000, 2000, 4000 level: undergraduate, usually 4 credits 1000 and 2000 level: Do not count for graduate degree. Do count toward credit total for tuition and full-time status. Course credits, p. 1
4000 level: limited number may count toward graduate degree. PhD: 15 or 1/3 of course credits may be 4000 level. MS: 12 credits may be 4000 level level: graduate level, usually 3 credits. 4000/6000 level courses. Meet together Requirements may be different. Course credits, p. 2
Indicates you are working on research. Register online, same as for classes. At first, take a few per semester. Later youll be taking all research credits. Keep taking research credits until thesis done, even if you have enough. Research credits are graded S/U. S grade indicates progress, real goal is thesis completion. Research credits, part 1
You need at least 24 credits of CSCI-9990 to get a PhD. You need at least 6 credits of CSCI-6990 to get an MS. Dont register for CSCI-6990 if you need CSCI If you cant find the right type of research credits on the class hour schedule, contact Terry Hayden or David Goldschmidt. Research credits, part 2
If you cant register for a class because it is full, contact the professor and/or go to class the first day. Use Authorization form. An Independent Study form is required to register for an independent study. Registration issues
Certifies department approval of your courses and research credits. Will be needed at graduation, and any time you submit a request to the Office of Graduate Education. Can re-do as often as needed if you change your plans. Credits must total 72 for PhD or 30 for MS. Signed by you, advisor, and GPD. Plan of Study
If you were an undergrad here, you may find there is less leniency with regard to paperwork than you are accustomed to. Submit paperwork well in advance, because processing takes time. Check with Terry about how to proceed. Paperwork issues
Allow plenty of time for collecting signatures. For Graduate Program Director or Department Chair signature, give form to Terry Hayden. For Dean of Graduate Education, drop form off at 1516 Peoples Ave, or Terry will send. Signatures
If you enter as full-time, you cant change to part-time when you have few credits left. Instead, you must take as many credits as needed to attain full-time status. You cant just not register for a semester. If you arent going to be taking any credits, you need to have some status such as on leave or withdrawn. Summer administrative registration: 0 credit for research assistants Maintaining enrollment
We have poster sessions where you can learn about research going on in the department. Poster Sessions
Graduate school can be a rocky road. Dont be discouraged if you dont follow the path you expected. Just find the path thats right for you. Some people change advisors Some people fail the qualifying exams Some people join as a PhD student but leave with MS only Some come for the MS and stay for the PhD Changes
Academic: Success in research requires initiative. Administrative: Dont hesitate to ask me questions. Exceptions to rules may be possible. Social: The department can be as fun as you want to make it –Organize events –Party list Initiative
Read mail sent to your RPI address. Contact me if you do not receive mail from csgrads list. Stay informed
Domestic students See Pam Paslow in MRC 304, 7:00am-2:30pm M-F. Bring –photo ID and social security card OR –US passport International students – see Charlene Richard in Payroll - Rice Building X2385 or to set up an appointment Financial support
Pick up check in Academy Hall every other Friday or get direct deposit (see Pam Paslow and bring voided check). If picking up your check on a day other than payday, youll need to go the Rice Building (take shuttle bus). Financial support, p. 2
Your stipend will be divided by the number of pay periods per semester. If your information is entered late, you will not get paid until the second payday, but your checks will be larger. The number of pay periods may vary from semester to semester, which means the amount of your paycheck may change from semester to semester. Financial support, p. 3
Sets up account for you so that you can be reimbursed for travel All PhD students should complete. MS students only complete if you think you may travel to a conference Concur form
In Student with access to Concur column fill out RIN, name, RCS ID, address, and supervisor. Supervisor: put current advisor. Can be changed later if your advisor changes. Indicate if you want reimbursement by check or direct deposit. Get your advisors signature Return completed form to Pam Paslow. Concur form
School of Science picnic tomorrow, 2-6pm Anyone still need a ride? Return blue form to box or return to Terry later Final notes
Peer advisors introduce themselves Small group discussions 4:00-4:15 Pick up refreshments and table assignments 4:15-4:55. Change table when bell rings (see table assignment) Peer advising and mixer