Suppose the “people” of the Bible were left out.


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Presentation transcript:

Suppose the “people” of the Bible were left out. What is the value of the accounts of people’s lives in the Bible? Suppose the “people” of the Bible were left out. “As we look at the lives of its men and women, pure and profane, we see ourselves.” ~ Herbert Lockyer

Decisions Values Ps 37:37 ~ Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright; For the future of that man is peace.

ABRAHAM’s decision Walked by Faith Rose above the popular influences of polytheism Josh. 24:2 – “they serve other gods” Acts 7:2-4; Gen. 12:1; Heb. 11:8 By faith Abram “went out” – that is obedience. A life of faith, Heb. 11:9-10, 17-19 “the father of us all” – Rom. 4:16 How many are blessed by your example of faith?

Moses’ decision Hebrews 11:23-28 “choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin” – v. 25 Our choices come out of weighting the same issues. He had “everything”. He deliberately associated with the “people of God.” He valued spiritual riches over earthly treasures. Moses’ decision

Do you have such conviction? Hebrew 13:6 It demanded courage to stand against the majority. He made a decision to lead! Joshua 24:15 Num. 13:30-33 JOSHUA’S DECISION

Daniel’s decision “Purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself…” ~ Dan. 1:8 Temptation often comes with the “foot in the door” technique. Small compromises! The “moment of decision” was obviously based on a previous decision. Daniel didn’t win the moment by debate, nor will we, it was won by saying … “NO”. Pay attention to the little things! Luke 16:10

Learn from the Good decisions of bible people Walk by Faith Choose the Spiritual over the Worldly Stand with Conviction and Trust in God Purpose in your Heart to Please God even in the Little Things!