CTOC TTM Team Annual Plan Simon Harty (CTOC TTM Team Leader)
CTOC TTM Team Annual Plan Issues summarised. Team Prioritisation + Value vs Effort. I Prioritisation and quarterly breakdown. NEXT: Element breakdown, leads, working groups, reviews etc.
PLANNED EVENT PLANNING & DELIVERY FEASIBILITY PROJECT INITIATION PLANNING DOCUMENTATION & CONSENTS TENDER CONSTRUCTION PLANNED EVENT SYSTEM COMPLETION TTM Concept Design TTM Tech Design & Delivery (COPTTM) SHAKEUP of system overdue. TTM always involved at Construction stage (Tech Design & Deliv), sometimes Tender, occasionally earlier. GENERALISATION: TTM concept planning and consideration of methodology options inadequately considered (currently). FWV aims to capture forming Time & Space risks, and manage/mitigate to deliver ‘best for city’ outcomes. COPTTM is an element within the system, but broader change needed. PLANNED EVENT PLANNING & DELIVERY FWV
Myworksites Transition Plan TIA Capability COPTTM Influence - engage Q1 PRIORITIES Myworksites Transition Plan TIA Capability COPTTM Influence - engage Jan – Mar. Work in BAU. Eg Predeployment policy position, UTMP diagrams. Parallel development fine.
Q2 PRIORITIES Myworksites Rollout early June? Public Events Planning & Approvals Process CTOC Documentation Update Incident Response capabilities Accident and Safety Reporting Maintenance Contract interactions Delivery Monitoring Preapprovals Process ‘Diamond’ support material Myworksites Rollout early June? Apr – Jun.
Q3 PRIORITIES Enforcement Partner engagement Performance targets OD & OW permitting & TTM ops Jul - Sept
Planned Event System review & improvement FUNDAMENTAL RETHINK Q4 PRIORITIES Planned Event System review & improvement FUNDAMENTAL RETHINK Oct – Dec FUNDAMENTAL RETHINK Customer perspective Incentives – Penalties, Performance recognition, Non-Compliance management, Risk-Based approach