Chapter Eight Peacekeeping and Order Maintenance Police in America Chapter Eight Peacekeeping and Order Maintenance
Calling the Police in Non-crime Situations Citizen Expectations: Maintain a social boundary Relieve unpleasant situations Counterpunching Obtain an emergency service Police response: Informal handling with no official action
Traffic Enforcement Most common type of order maintenance Police departments and citizens influence traffic enforcement policy Source of Friction between Police and Citizens Traffic Enforcement Crackdowns Drunk Driving Question over whether crackdowns reduce drunk driving Risk of arrest for drunk driving is low Arrest is very time consuming
Policing Domestic Disputes Definitional Issues Domestic Violence Prevalence Calling the Police Frustration vs. Danger Replace Picture
Policing Domestic Violence Police response Arrest Mediation Separating the parties Referral to social service agencies No action Factors influencing arrest Mandatory arrest policies Preference of victim for arrest Relationship between victim and suspect Disrespect to police
Other order maintenance crimes Vice Prostitution Street walkers Ancillary crime Call girl Gambling “victimless” crime Narcotics Homeless Old New Alcoholics Detoxification programs Mentally ill Hospitalization Arrest Informal disposition AIDS High concern of infections, buy relatively low number of cases Juveniles Strict enforcement versus counseling and advising