NC-20063 AFJROTC Jay M. Robinson High School (BRIEFING TITLE) (Your Name) (Date) I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e
Overview First Point Second Point Third Point
Standard Slides (Cont.) Avoid black/dark or “busy” backgrounds Transitions – None or “Wipe Right” only Double space between main bullets Avoid “wordy” bullets: Limit bullets to 2 lines (3 at most) Bullets do not have to be complete sentences as long as meaning gets across to audience
Pictures/Graphics Pictures should “fill in” white space Interesting, related to the topic Use a 1.5 point line around photos Do not overuse Clipart
Font Title: Primary bullets: Arial or Calibri font Bold, 40 pt (no smaller than 32 pt) Primary bullets: Arial or Calibri font (32 or 28 pt, (no smaller than 26 pt) Secondary Level – (no smaller than 26 pt) Use upper/lower case for emphasis and readability Font Color: dark blue or black Bold and Other colors may be used for emphasis – must contrast with background Avoid use of shadow
Helpful Hints Dry run briefings on the equipment you will use Ensures computers can handle your presentation Colors may not project overhead as well as they do on your computer screen Use graphics/pictures to enhance slide’s message SPELLCHECK! Do NOT use “Text” lingo (LOL, Slides 4U, IDK …)
Summary Repeat First Point Repeat Second Point Repeat Third Point
Sources Roberson, Patricia Q. (1997) Survival: Survive/Return V-7027T (Revised ed.), Maxwell AFB, AFROTC Junior Program Branch. Grylls, Bear. Man vs. Wild, (2007), Season 2 (Patagonia) Episode), Discovery Channel. Stroud, Les. Survivorman, (2007), Season 1 (Canyonlands Episode), Discovery Channel.