Social Conscience and Responsibility Inspector: We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. Who is the most responsible for Eva Smith’s death in ‘An Inspector Calls’?
Form an opinion… If you are asked a question about who is the most responsible for Eva Smith’s suicide, you must be able to form an opinion. The best way to do this is to rank the characters against each other. Man U. Tottenham Man U. Man U. Tottenham Arsenal Man C.
Mr Birling Mrs Birling Edna Gerald Sheila Eric The Inspector Eva Smith
Note: this may change depending where you place the characters! Example: Mr Birling Mrs Birling Mr B. Mrs B. Mrs Birling Edna Gerald Mrs Birling Sheila Eric Sheila Eric Sheila The Inspector Eva Smith Note: this may change depending where you place the characters!
Annotate your graph You must be able to back up your opinion with quotations from the text. For each character, pick a quotation that shows that they are either completely responsible or not responsible at all and annotate around your graph. (Note: for Eva Smith, you may need to find a quote describing her. You do not need a quote for Edna)
Write an essay plan… Inspector: We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. Who is the most responsible for Eva Smith’s death in ‘An Inspector Calls’?