Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference


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Presentation transcript:

Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference Hon Louise Upston Minister for Women @LouiseUpston @women_nz www.women.govt.nz Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference 19 September 2015

The employment rate for women has increased % Source: Statistics New Zealand, Household Labour Force Survey (annual data is for Q1, employment rate measures percentage of working-age population who are employed)

Women’s participation on state sector boards has increased

Women’s participation on NZSX boards has increased % Sources: Human Rights Commission (2003 to 2012 data, top 100 NZSX companies), NZX data (2013 and 2014, NZSX listed companies (excluding overseas companies)).

Reduction in overall gender pay gap Not the only way to measure the gender pay gap, e.g. can measure by mean average earnings, weekly earnings. Hence different interpretations. Still a gap present. Source: Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Income Survey

Inspiring Women “Standout leaders aren’t perfect. You have to be brave enough to recognise your blind spots so you can surround yourself with people who complement you.” – Vicky Taylor, general manager Smartfoods, board director

Inspiring Women “Change can be incremental and slow, or it can leapfrog stages. When we collaborate with partners that are unlike us, it creates the opportunity to leap ahead.” – Sacha McMeeking, social entrepreneur, strategist

Inspiring Women “I’ve been really lucky that I’ve had two mentors who are rural based engineers who have helped to keep me going to the point where I’ve become a chartered engineer, which is a great feather in my cap”. Keri Johnson, engineer, entrepreneur, farmer

Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference Hon Louise Upston Minister for Women @LouiseUpston @women_nz www.women.govt.nz Zonta International District 16 13th Biennial Conference 19 September 2015