National Clean Plant Network Perspectives
National Clean Plant Network Movement of plant material through the Network
Diagnostics Routine retesting Therapeutics Foundation CENTERS Introduction (domestic) Breeders, Root Stock, Germplasm Repositories Importation, Quarantine (foreign) Diagnostics Routine retesting Therapeutics CENTERS Foundation Export (foreign) Domestic Production (nursery, growers, brokers)
OPERATIONS Core Functions Plant side Science-based ‘Center-centric’ INPUTS Core Functions Plant side Science-based ‘Center-centric’ Funded CENTERS OUTPUTS
National Clean Plant Network Movement of information and ideas through the Network
Program Governance Tier 1 Tier 2 NCPN Governing Board Industry Leadership Team 2012 NCPN Governing Board 8 Member, Federal and State Governing Board - 2009 Tier 1 Coordinators Unite! 2016 NCPN Mgmt. Team - 2008 Education/Outreach Working Group - 2011 Economics Working Group - 2017 Strategic Planning Focus Area - 2017 Data Management Focus Area - 2017 Tier 2 GRAPES - 2009 FRUIT TREE - 2009 HOPS -2010 BERRIES - 2010 CITRUS - 2010 SWEETPOTATO - 2015 ROSES - 2015
COMMODITY GOVERNANCE NETWORK GOVERNANCE PERMANENT GROUPS: Governing Board Operations Leadership Team Education/Outreach Working Group Coordinators Unite! FRUIT TREE 2009 GRAPES 2009 BERRIES 2010 CITRUS 2010 HOPS 2010 ROSES 2015 SWEETPOTATO 2015 AD HOC GROUPS: Core Strategic Planning Team Data Mgmt Working Group Industry Leadership Team Economics Working Group Molecular Diagnostics
GOVERNANCE Network Administration People side Communication Interactions Unfunded Commodity
National Clean Plant Network SPECIAL INITIATIVES
Special Initiatives: Education/Outreach Strategic Planning Information Management Nursery Certification High-Throughput Sequencing Economic Studies Quality Ctrl/Quality Mgmt (audit) Material Retention Public vs Proprietary Material Import/Export (Permits)
Gooey interface where ‘Operations’ meets ‘Governance’ Funded & unfunded “Bottleneck” Cross-cutting Opportunities Special Initiatives!
GOVERNANCE OPERATIONS SPECIAL INITATIVES Administration People side Communication Interactions Unfunded Core functions Plant side Science-based Funded SPECIAL INITATIVES Gooey interface where Operations meets Governance Funded & unfunded “Bottleneck” Cross-cutting Opportunities
Analysis of commodity priorities SOURCE (total) Operations (Core Tasks) Governance Special Topics GRAPES (16) 8 2 6 BERRIES (5) 4 1 FRUIT TREES (23) 13 HOPS (21) 10 5 CITRUS (8) 3 SWEETPOTATO (11) 9 ROSES (20) 12 2007 St Plan (8) 15 37
Roses Priorities Diagnostics Therapy Foundation Diagnostics Therapy Foundation Update testing techniques including the most appropriate new technologies Define the pathogens for which standard testing methods will be used to qualify for the foundation rose collection Maintain an efficient quarantine protocol to prevent the entry of new viruses Perform disease elimination therapy on as many new selections as possible Maintain existing foundation rose collection Audit disease status of existing foundation collection Develop a protocol to decide which varieties are eliminated, maintained or added to the rose foundational collection Develop a transparent prioritization system for orderly distribution of plant material when supply is limited Establish a backup field collection in another location Establish an in vitro backup collection
Roses Priorities Governance Special Initiatives Other Governance Special Initiatives Other Develop the NCPNR website to distribute information to the rose community Develop an outreach program to rose growers, nurseries and consumers to explain the value of the clean plant program Develop printed educational materials about the NCPNR for the outreach program Quantify the economic impact of the clean plant program for rose Work with the international rose community to develop protocols for easy and safe movement of rose materials Assess the virus frequency and distribution in commercial stock collections and public/private rose collections
National Clean Plant Network PARTNERSHIPS
WHO? CENTERS: directors, managers, principle investigators, technicians EXPERTS: researchers, virologists, pathologists, extensionists, others INDUSTRY: growers, nurseries, organizations GOVERNMENT: Network managers, Agency reps, Governing Board, State officials, regulators
WHO? CENTERS: directors, managers, principle investigators, technicians EXPERTS: researchers, virologists, pathologists, extensionists, others INDUSTRY: growers, nurseries, organizations GOVERNMENT: Network managers, Agency reps, Governing Board, State officials, regulators
ROLES? CLEAN PLANT CENTERS: implement recommendations from EXPERTS & INDUSTRY, provide services, produce and manage clean plant material EXPERTS: define disease situation, make recommendations, develop methods, educate end users INDUSTRY: approve plans & methods, use clean material from Centers, provide support GOVERNMENT: provide governance and funding, link partners, communicate across Network, provide permits, regulate
ROLES? CLEAN PLANT CENTERS: implement recommendations from EXPERTS & INDUSTRY, provide services, produce and manage clean plant material EXPERTS: define disease situation, make recommendations, develop methods, educate end users INDUSTRY: approve plans & methods, use clean material from Centers, provide support GOVERNMENT: provide governance and funding, link partners, communicate across Network, provide permits, regulate
WHAT BRINGS US TOGETHER? network = shared interest (passion) our shared interests (passions) only align somewhat, but not fully areas of overlap represent where our interests align this alignment is the GLUE that holds us together in a network
SUCCESSION PLANNING Are we one retirement or promotion, one flood or wind storm away from disaster?
OPERATIONS Natural Events: Floods Fires Hurricanes High Winds
Human-influenced Events: GOVERNANCE Human-influenced Events: Changing Leadership Retirements Promotions Changing funding (Farm Bill) Single-year planning model
National Clean Plant Network Consider this!
Purpose of commodity meeting? conduct ‘show and tell’ activities get inputs from Centers identify action items, prioritize tasks, make assignments, establish timelines renew personal relationships obtain industry feedback provide a ‘state of the union’ report address governance tasks set priorities and measure progress prepare for Request For Proposals, ad hoc review cycle
PLANNING CYCLE ACTION: do what you said WORKPLAN: say what you will do REPORT: measure what you did and share that info REPEAT: repeat the process, but involve more people each time LISTEN: get input & feedback from commodity group members, especially from industry members ADJUST: change what you will do next based on feedback
PLANNING CYCLE ACTION: do what you said WORKPLAN: say what you will do REPORT: measure what you did and share that info REPEAT: repeat the process, but involve more people each time LISTEN: get input & feedback from commodity group members, especially from industry members ADJUST: change what you will do next based on feedback
Considerations: Meet more frequently. Get more industry input. Plan. Create action items. Make assignments. Prepare for increased funding. Review progress, make adjustments. Augment volunteers with hired, dedicated staff.
Where are we now?
Small steps?
Or large step?
Healthy Agriculture Through Clean Plants
A meeting without an agenda is not a meeting An agenda without action items is a wish list Action items without assignments are the main reasons for more meetings To be truly useful, information must lead to action which has a measurable beneficial impact PLANNING together + BUDGETING together = WORKING together
PLANNING CYCLE ACTION: do what you said WORKPLAN: say what you will do REPORT: measure what you did and share that info REPEAT: repeat the process, but involve more people each time LISTEN: get input & feedback from commodity group members, especially from industry members ADJUST: change what you will do next based on feedback