Lisette Enserink, JMP NS-CS; Pilot Project - New Knowledge for an integrated management of human activities in the sea PP/ENV D2/SEA Towards joint monitoring programmes for (sub)regional seas BALSAM, JMP NS/CS and IRIS-SES October 2013 – March 2015 Lisette Enserink, JMP NS-CS; Popi Pagou, IRIS-SES; Johanna Karhu, BALSAM; Alternative Title (from HOPE): Towards joint monitoring programmes for (sub)regional seas. Advantage: main objective as eye catcher. What do you think? If yes, then we have to add in slide 2 the info on duration: October 2013-March 2015. JK: yes, this would be catchy
Background 2012: DG ENV launches coordination and support action worth 2M€. Keyword: bridging projects Desk study. EU funding is ‘seed money’ to start up. Crucial follow-up of common indicators developed by RSCs 3 pilot projects: Towards a joint monitoring programme for the North Sea and the Celtic Sea (JMP NS/CS) Integrated Regional monitoring Implementation Strategy in the South European Seas (IRIS-SES) Baltic Sea Pilot Project (BALSAM) Also take from HOPE presentation.
Main aim of the Pilot Projects Develop new concepts and decision-making tools for MSFD implementation: integrated monitoring strategies based on existing sampling and scope potential for joint monitoring programmes within and between MS; to support MSFD and other environmental legislation; at sea-region scales; cooperation between pilot projects and transferability of results between regions. Call text: Objectives.
Joint deliverables Catalogue/Inventory of monitoring in the region Web-tools for visualization of the monitoring information Cooperation with RSCs to assist MS in their MSFD reporting Recommendations/Options for integrated monitoring I added this slide to be more specific about the deliverables
Key figures JMP NS/CS BALSAM IRIS-SES Area covered North Sea Celtic Sea Baltic Sea Mediterranean & Black Sea RSC OSPAR HELCOM Bucharest, Barcelona # MS 8+ Norway 8+ Russia 7+ Turkey # partners 18 19 9 M€ 1 0.46 1.2 % EU contribution 77 89 72 From HOPE. Number of MS involved in projects? RU is not involved in BALSAM.
Location of partner institutes in the three projects Popi – did you have the original map? Can you please remove the star from Russia?
Objectives JMP NS/CS Show benefits & challenges of joint monitoring in the North Sea and the Celtic Sea: database and webportal of monitoring programmes potential for multi-use of platforms (ships, planes, buoys…) constructive network between institutions (fisheries and environmental monitoring) planning and evaluation tools to enhance the outcome of monitoring with regard to evaluation of GES Drivers: increased efficiency to assess GES & reduced costs With an eye on transferability to other (sub) regions: North Sea Celtic Sea and potentially beyond Question: if we have 3 of these slides will we then have a lot of repetition? Proposal: fist make 3 slides and then merge where possible in 1 slide and highlight differences in a second slide….
Objectives IRIS-SES 1. Develop decision-making tools for efficient/cost effective monitoring programs 2. Consider integration of techniques and the required spatial and temporal resolution 3. Assess pilot sampling actions, for the feasibility of proposed strategies 4. Elaborate guidelines for sampling across the various disciplines 5. Development of cooperation among research institutions within selected regions 6. Training events & Transfer of knowledge to other regions
Objectives BALSAM Support HELCOM work on coordinated monitoring of the Baltic and the MSFD monitoring work (Art 11) of EU Member States Support the development of the HELCOM Monitoring Manual (to be online in October 2014) 3. Provide recommendations for further coordinated monitoring of environment (esp. data flows), seals and seabirds, non-indigenous species and benthic habitats, as well as coordinated use of research vessels.
Where are we now Monitoring inventories/catalogues and metadatabases almost finalized Web-tools and map services to support joint programming in development Assistance to regional MSFD implementation and EU Member States in their Art 11 reporting Additional explanation: Inventories snap shot in transition process from existing programmes to MSFD programmes. Projects work towards updated metadatabase. Web tools increase transparency and therefore support joint planning. Joint= between programmes AND between MS. Search functions follow MSFD structure and use common indicators. In progress: [Multi-disciplinary and cross-country: are these activities common to all 3 projects?] Multi-disciplinary not so much in BALSAM, cross-country to certain extent Case studies to trial (on paper [or at sea – do we go out at sea under our projects?]) how joined monitoring design could improve the effectiveness for GES assessment and increase cost effectiveness. We use RSC common/core indicators as starting point: abundance and distribution of sea mammals and fish (D1/D4) Benthic indicators (D1/D6) Chlorophyll (D5) Contaminants (D8) Popi: is this correct? JMP does no D8. Litter (D10) Synergies: seeking for potential to exchange GIS tools and compare metadatabase structure (taking into account WG DIKE formats). Metadatabases and web portals potentially support reporting to EC. In OSPAR discussion has started to contribute to Data management and Information System. In HELCOM 7 CPs have indicated that they will use the monitoring manual when reporting to the EC regarding their monitoring programmes In Med/BS…. Focus on common/core indicators and supporting indicator development in RSCs by investigating operational costs and benefits. BALSAM is firmly integrated in HELCOM work and consults CORESET experts (we are not doing any indicator development work) JMP NS/CS co-ordinates with relevant OSPAR groups on biodiversity, litter and eutrophication. IRIS-SES….
In Progress case studies to show options/recommendations for joint monitoring; potential for multi-disciplinary monitoring and cross-country co-operation Inter-regional cooperation Multi-disciplinary monitoring and cross-country cooperation not really a focus in BALSAM
Common challenges Member States still in the process of developing their monitoring programmes Changes in reporting guidelines? Indicator development still in progress within Member States / regional sea conventions Timing of MSFD deadlines and project planning Johanna, can you further develop this? I think this lists the main points? We can just state these challenges, without complaining too much?
Future collaboration and expected outcomes Metadatabases and coordination between the regions Joint final workshop + publication planned Dissemination of results to RSCs, MSs, EU and other stakeholders Inventories and metadatabases can assist MS in their Article 11 reporting and offer useful information on monitoring for RScs and EU Johanna, what do you mean with the 4th bullet?
Thank you!