Tactics 1: The MOat Michael W. Moyles Christian Apologetics


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Presentation transcript:

Tactics 1: The MOat Michael W. Moyles Christian Apologetics www.clearthinkingchristian.com moylesm@hotmail.com

Is Christianity true? If so, how do you know? What is Christianity? What, exactly, are you claiming to be true? What is truth? If not, why do you believe it? WHY are you a Christian?

Because it’s true. No other reason. Because I was raised that way. Because my parents are/were. Because I had a dream (or other supernatural experience). Because I was raised in America. Because… What is wrong with ALL these answers?

Michael W. Moyles www.clearthinkingchristian.com moylesm@hotmail.com Investigating Truth Michael W. Moyles www.clearthinkingchristian.com moylesm@hotmail.com

What is Truth? Something is true when it corresponds to reality Does truth exist? If so, can we know it? Many things we hear and say every day are truth claims Two “kinds” of truth: Subjective or “Relative” Truth Objective or “Absolute” Truth Insulin or Ice Cream?

Subjective or “Relative” Truth Personal choices related to the individual Usually based on preference or feeling Easily and frequently changed Chocolate ice cream is delicious! Blue is prettier than red Subjective truth is neither true nor false

Objective or “Absolute” Truth Unrelated to personal preferences or feelings True for everyone, everywhere, all the time Objective truths are true no matter how we “feel” about them, and whether or not we agree with them Even if everyone believes a lie that doesn't make it true Even if no one believes the truth, that doesn't make it false Two plus two equals four I am in the U.S. Army Objective truth is either true or false

Objective or “Absolute” Truth Truth is discovered, not invented Gravity existed before Newton “discovered” it Truth is unchanging, although our beliefs about truth may change

Test Time!

Test Time! I own a red Ferrari. Objective claim. False (unfortunately). Basketball is more fun to play than baseball. Subjective claim. Washington, D.C. is the current capital of the United States. Objective claim. True. Paul Robyn can bench press 400 pounds. Objective claim. Paul?

Okay, now it gets a bit harder…

Test Time! You must drive on the right side of the road. Subjective (relative) claim. Why? It’s relative – it depends on where you are. The Earth is flat. Objective claim. False. Was this true at one time? No -- although many (most?) believed it. Murder is wrong. Objective claim. True or false?

What About the Claims that Matter? Christianity is true Jesus is God and Lord Jesus rose from the dead The Bible is the Word of God

What About the Claims that Matter? Christianity is historic

What About the Claims that Matter? Christianity is evidential

What About the Claims that Matter? Christianity is scientific

Objective Truth Investigation What do we do if we disagree on a statement of Objective Truth? Investigate the evidence – “Chocolate ice cream is a medicine that controls diabetes.” Test the claim – “Mr. Robyn can bench press 400 pounds.” Correct the error

Objective Moral Truths Just as we have standards in the physical world, we have standards in the moral world Beating up a handicapped girl Torturing babies for fun Terrorism

Conclusion Truth exists and can be known There are two kinds of truth Subjective (relative) truth Objective (absolute) truth Objective truth includes both physical truths and moral truths Your views on truth dictate much of how you think, act, respond, and relate Christianity is true – objectively, absolutely.


Backup Slides

Relativism Denial of Objective Truth “Society Does” Relativism Societies have different view on morality, therefore no objective morality exists “Society Says” Relativism People ought to do what society says to do -- society determines what is true “I Say” Relativism Each person defines their own truth

Objective or “Absolute” Truth Similar to two kinds of truth are two kinds of error -- irrationality and immorality: We can be irrational Two plus two equals five Correct the error We can be immoral Murder is wrong Correct the person