ROOTS You will be given a new set of ROOTS every Monday You have one week to complete and study the roots Turn in The Roots worksheet the day of the quiz It is not a spelling test, there is a word bank Know the definitions, parts of speech, and how to use in a sentence (fill in the blank) The “correct” part of speech is what is written on the roots worksheet After a set of four Roots, there is a roots review of all the roots (none of the words) Roots 1-4, Roots 5-8, Roots 9-12, etc.
EGO = I, ME EGOCENTRIC = (noun) self-centered
MONO = ONE, ONLY monocle = (NOUN) spectacles or glasses for one eye
MONO = ONE, ONLY monopolize = (VERB) assume complete possession or control of something
MONO = ONE, ONLY monologue = (NOUN) speech by one person
MIGRA = WANDER migrant = (NOUN) a person or animal who moves regularly for work or food
MIGRA = WANDER immigrate = (VERB) to come into a land to settle
BIBL = BOOK bibliophile = (NOUN) lover or collector of books
BIBL = BOOK bibliography = (NOUN) identification of writing, publications, or sources
AUTO = SELF automatic = (NOUN or ADJ) done without conscious thought; moving or operating by itself
MAN = HAND manhandle = (VERB) to move or do by human strength only, without mechanical aids
maneuver = (VERB) action taken to gain an advantage MAN = HAND maneuver = (VERB) action taken to gain an advantage
emancipate = (VERB) to free, release MAN = HAND emancipate = (VERB) to free, release
manacle = (NOUN) handcuff, restraint, shackle for the hands MAN = HAND manacle = (NOUN) handcuff, restraint, shackle for the hands