User Support in EGI Reactive and proactive services Gergely Sipos 28/06/2019
European Grid Infrastructure The EGI virtuous cycle National Resource Providers European Grid Infrastructure Ecosystem Current User Communities Used by Researchers Gathering New Requirements New Technology Assessed Deployed Infrastructure Services MoUs & OLAs MoUs MoUs & SLAs LoIs New User Communities Technology Providers
Stakeholders of user support This talk EGI dissemination User Community Support Team This talk Different user types collaborate within a research group Research leader Researchers and scientists Application developers Local System administrators Scientific communities Research group This talk EGI User Community Support Services Next talks National and specialist user support teams Next talks Support teams available across 50 countries
Services from Gathering and tracking requirements Applications Database Training marketplace NGI-EGI roadshow model Workshops Simplifying certification of users and portals Web gadgets Dissemination, marketing, outreach 28/06/2019
The EGI requirement gathering and tracking process The EGI Community Channels for Operation requirements UCST and EGI-InSPIRE developers 1) 2) HUCs EGI technology providers VOs Channels for User requirements EGI Requirements Tracker TCB UCB EIROs 3) 4) 5) VRCs NGIs projects ESFRIs EMI IGE SAGA, ... Helpdesks (EGI, NGIs, projects,...)
EGI Requirements Tracker: Permanent storage for EGI requirements User Operational Complete transparency For user communities For NGIs For technology providers Web interfaces: Public browsing Authenticated commenting, replying (with EGI SSO) NEW: web gadgets To list your requirements To submit requirements Complete customisability 28/06/2019
EGI Applications Database Benefits: Gives recognition to reusable Scientific applications and application developer tools Gives recognition to application developers Access through web page AND web gadget Achievements since April: Improved search services Commenting and rating Problem reporting page “Related applications” lists Improved performance REST API for custom integration
Training Marketplace Benefits: Achievements since April: Register training events, expertise, services, materials, resources, university courses Browse and search Request training services Access through web page and web gadget Achievements since April: Improved browse services Integrated search for all object types Support for requests/wishes Web gadgets
NGI-EGI roadshows To reach new communities within NGIs To harmonise outreach activities within NGIs To integrate NGI contributions into outreach activities To integrate other community contributions into EGI outreach (e.g. from EMI) Run by NGIs, but facilitated by an event model by Model was introduced and discussed yesterday (11:00 Room R2 link) 28/06/2019
Workshops To investigate and develop some of the key themes emerging from the community Interest for 10 topics: First set of workshops this week: Data Management; Portal technologies; VRCs; EGI/NGI Roadshows Planning the next set of workshops: One or two topics in conj. With Cracow Grid Workshop Agile software development (with StratusLab and SixSq) Workflows (with SHIWA) Portal technologies (in conj. With HealthGrid 2012) Host a workshop in your institute or NGI! Email 28/06/2019
Certificates for users and portals Access to EGI resources requires e-Science certificates: Most of the existing users have personal certificates from National CAs ( Terena Online Certificate services are available in many NGIs ( Some of the national CAs provide robot certificates for portals UCST expands Terena and robot certificate usage by: Promoting Terena certificates to NGIs where the service already exists Developing simple methods for institutes to become “federated identity providers” within Terena Lobbing at national CAs (through NGIs) to introduce robot certificates 28/06/2019
Web gadgets An alternative way of offering services on the web Benefits Customisability Reusability Compatibility Existing gadgets: Application Database Training Marketplace Requirement Tracker Use and develop EGI gadgets! Go to 28/06/2019
Dissemination (Marketing) Dissemination teams exist in and (some) NGIs EGI Blog ( Newsletters Web news A key EC message from EGI-InSPIRE review: A production infrastructure is necessary but it is no longer sufficient for project success Non-technical activities will be improved and better integrated between and the NGIs Marketing, community outreach, policy development
Next steps Focus on new communities & sustainability Integrated planning for outreach and user support Strategic aims & messages (EGI value proposition) Communication & support (NGI coordinators) Need strong implementation The same structures as operations (analysis and evaluation of tools – by and by communities) The same focused, dedicated effort (closer monitoring) Focus on new communities & sustainability More proactivity & cooperation in these fields 28/06/2019
Thank you 28/06/2019