ICAO ACP Working Group M Iridium Sub Group Overview Bob Kerczewski Mike Meza NASA Glenn Research Center Iridium AGC-FG and NexSAT-SG Joint Meeting with ICAO ACP WG-C 18-19 September 2006
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup The Iridium Subgroup was formed in WG-M with the task to develop an implementation manual and a manual on detailed technical specifications, on the basis of the draft generic AMS(R)S SARPs that were developed by the ACP. From Recommendation 3/2 of the ACP Working Group of the Whole (21 - 29 June 2005) and in coordination between the Rapporteur of WG-M, the panel member nominated by the United States and the ACP Secretariat. Subgroup Tasks: Develop the new Iridium technical manual in a timeframe that would support the suggested applicability date of the AMS(R)S SARPs by November 2007; Create an implementation manual to provide guidance to States on commissioning the system; Identify any validation requirements associated with the Iridium technical manual and conduct appropriate validation if necessary; Establish a documentation control system to identify and manage the core documents; Coordinate with other ICAO panels as appropriate through the ICAO Secretariat; and Secure broadest participation from industry in the activities of the sub-group.
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Five meetings of the Iridium Subgroup have occurred. The Subgroup also reported to WGM Meeting #11 Meeting overviews: ACP WGM Iridium #1 – 20-22 September 2005 Reviewed existing ICAO material on AMS(R)S; Reviewed intellectual property rights and validation activities requirements; Reviewed initial version of Iridium Technical Manual. ACP WGM Iridium #2 – 1-3 November 2005 Reviewed second draft version of Iridium Technical Manual.
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Meeting overviews: ACP WGM Iridium #3 – 15-17 February 2006 • Reviewed relevant industry activities, AEEC, ICAO, European Standards, RTCA SC-208 activities • Reviewed the ICAO position on technical manual and implementation manual content; • Reviewed third draft version of Iridium Technical Manual; reviewed cross-reference of SARPs requirements vs acceptability criteria of RTCA DO-270 and DO-262; considered verification and validation requirements; • Reviewed outline and initial draft of Iridium Implementation Manual
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Meeting overviews: ACP WGM Iridium #4 – 17-19 May 2006 • Reviewed status of AMS(R)S SARPs review process • Reviewed fourth draft version of Iridium Technical Manual • Reviewed second draft of Iridium Implementation Manual Interim results reported to ACP WGM #11 – 31 May – 2 June • Presented Iridium Subgroup Overview • Reviewed draft versions of Iridium Technical Manual and Iridium Implementation Manual WGM made two significant recommendations: • Add information on Iridium availability • Include more information validating Iridium
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Meeting overviews: ACP WGM Iridium #5 – 22-24 August 2006 • Reviewed status of AMS(R)S SARPs responses from states • Reviewed combined Technical and Implementation Manual • Reviewed Satcom Availability Analysis from Future Communications Study Reviewed validation requirements and approach Reviewed Iridium as ATN subnetwork for inclusion in WGN-1 activities
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Key Issues the Iridium Subgroup has addressed: • Understanding and applying the new ICAO philosophy of “generic” or “performance-based” SARPs coupled with system-specific Manual(s) SARPs provide performance requirements, rather than system technical specifications A separate document for each specific system implementation provides technical specifications What is the required and appropriate content of Technical and Implementation manuals Technical manual provides system technical specifications and demonstrates compliance with SARPs Implementation manual provides guidance for system implementation
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Key Issues the Iridium Subgroup has addressed: • Whether, and how, to combine the Technical and Implementation manuals into one document Current version is now a single document, restructured to eliminate redundancy and create a more generic manual to enable flexibility for future amendments if necessary, and to provide material that can be used for other systems’ manuals (e.g. Inmarsat, MTSAT) How to present Iridium performance vs. SARPs requirements and what validation is required Iridium performance is compared to SARPs requirements in a Table Validation of Iridium performance is documented in a separate validation report How to consider Iridium as a subnetwork within an end-to-end communications network The draft AMS(R)S SARPs cover the satellite subnetwork End-to-end performance is considered within the ATN structure – inclusion of Iridium as a subnetwork within ATN SARPs is being considered
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Overview of Iridium Manual Contents: The Technical manual and implementation manuals have been combined into one manual. This consolidated manual contains information about aeronautical mobile satellite communications, using the Iridium Satellite Network, including applications, potential benefits, user requirements, system architecture, interoperability and technical characteristics, as well as space, ground and airborne equipment. Information on status of development and ICAO activities (institutional arrangements, spectrum availability, SARPs and networking) is also included.
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Overview of Iridium Manual Contents: Chapter 1 Introduction includes potential benefits that can be expected from the use of a satellite communication service for AMS(R)S and an overview of how the Iridium Satellite Network supports AMS(R)S) Chapter 2 Services, User requirements and Operational Chapter 3 Standardization activities Chapter 4 ICAO Activities Chapter 5 Iridium Satellite Network Chapter 6 Iridium AMS(R)S System Chapter 7 Iridium AMS(R)S Standardization Activities
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Overview of Iridium Manual Contents: Chapter 8 Comparison of AMS(R)S SARPs and Expected Iridium Performance Chapter 9 Implementation Guidance A Validation manual has been developed to provide information on how the Iridium system complies with the AMS(R)S SARPs. Each of the AMS(R)S requirements are addressed to show validation method and details of validation.
ACP WGM Iridium Subgroup Status of Iridium Subgroup Activities: • Continue refining the Iridium Manual and complete final draft Including validation report • Work with ACP WGN Subgroup N1 to enable inclusion of Iridium as an ATN air-ground subnetwork • Contribute to finalization of draft AMS(R)S SARPs • Next meeting will be 24-26 October 2006 (ICAO HQ) Schedule The target date for completion of the Iridium manual is to coincide with ANC meeting to adopt AMS(R)S SARPs (now tentatively May 2007)