A: Mean Kir6.2/SUR1 or Kir6.2-R50G/SUR1 conductance in the presence of 100 μmol/l ADP (▪), 100 μmol/l ADP + 2 mmol/l Mg2+ (), or 100 μmol/l ATP plus 2 mmol/l Mg2+ ([cjs2112]). A: Mean Kir6.2/SUR1 or Kir6.2-R50G/SUR1 conductance in the presence of 100 μmol/l ADP (▪), 100 μmol/l ADP + 2 mmol/l Mg2+ (), or 100 μmol/l ATP plus 2 mmol/l Mg2+ ([cjs2112]). B and C: Mean Kir6.2/SUR1 or Kir6.2-R50G/SUR1 conductance in the presence of 10 μmol/l gliclazide (□), 10 μmol/l gliclazide plus 100 μmol/l ADP (), or 10 μmol/l gliclazide plus 100 μmol/l ATP ([cjs2112]), in the presence (B) or absence (C) of 2 mmol/l Mg2+. Conductance (G) is expressed as a fraction of that in the absence of the drug and nucleotide (Gc). The number of patches is given above each bar. The dashed line indicates the control conductance level. Peter Proks et al. Diabetes 2002;51:S368-S376 ©2002 by American Diabetes Association