Total Cost- € 1,308,921.68 EU Contribution: 1,000,000 Hidden Homeworkers – Improving Transparency and Traceability to Improve Working Conditions of Homeworkers in Apparel and Footwear Chains
Hidden Homeworkers – Project Summary 1 What? Overall objective: To innovate and extend multi-stakeholder-led transparency and traceability systems to the lower tiers of garment value chains, with the aim of improving working conditions and labour rights of hidden workers such as homeworkers. Specific objective: To improve the working conditions of informal and home-based workers [homeworkers] in Nepal, Pakistan and India, who work in global value chains in the apparel and footwear sectors. Where? Pakistan, Nepal, India: primarily Karachi, Islamabad, Kathmandu, Tirupur, Delhi. Engagement with brands and MSIs in Europe, When? 1st April 2019 – 31st March 2023 Who? Beneficiaries: 21,000 homeworkers – directly. Key stakeholders: apparel & footwear brands and supply-chain actors. Partners: Traidcraft Exchange, Homeworkers Worldwide, Homenet South Asia Funder: European Union, plus match-funding from all partners.
Current situation for homeworkers Hidden Homeworkers – Project Summary 3 Why? Current situation for homeworkers Invisibility Informal sector Precarious employment terms Health & safety risks Lack of voice Low pay: typically 1/3 – 1/2 minimum wage
Hidden Homeworkers – Project Summary 3 How? Specific Objective: Improved working conditions of homeworkers in Nepal, Pakistan and India, who work in global value chains in the apparel and footwear sectors. Improved coordination & capacity between key stakeholders across the apparel/footwear sector enables ongoing development of responsible value chains. Improved awareness & understanding of the role, rights & working conditions of homeworkers amongst apparel/footwear brands Improved transparency & traceability across apparel/footwear value chains, incl. through digital innovations. Homeworkers in apparel/footwear value chains are better able to access their rights, entitlements & services.
Hidden Homeworkers – Project Summary 4 – Highlights from planned impact At least 8 apparel and footwear brands demonstrate they are improving homeworkers’ working conditions through changes to policies and practices. 12,600 women homeworkers experience improvements in their working conditions. 5+ leaders at Multi-stakeholder Initiatives report members have improved understanding of the needs and rights of homeworkers and are taking practical steps to address these. 10+ key industry experts report increased recognition of the role of homeworkers and increased sectoral coordination to improve working conditions.