Basaltic – dense, dark- Colored igneous rock formed from magma
Cementation – when sediments are glued “cemented” together
Cleavage – physical property of some minerals that makes them break along smooth, flat surfaces
Color – the hue, shade, or pigment of a mineral
Compaction – when sedimentary rocks are compressed by the layers above them
Extrusive – fine-grained igneous rock that forms when magma cools at or near earth’s surface
Foliated – metamorphic rock which are folded and flattened into parallel layers
Fracture – physical property of minerals that break with uneven, rough, or jagged surfaces
Granitic – light-colored silica-rich igneous rock (less dense than basaltic)
Hardness – measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched.
Igneous – rock formed when magma or lava cools and hardens
Intrusive – igneous rock with large crystals formed when magma cools below earth’s surface
Lava – molten rock that flows from volcanoes onto earth’s surface
Luster – the way a mineral reflects light (metallic or non-metallic)
Metamorphic – forms from heat & pressure (changes a rock’s form &/or composition)
Minerals – naturally occurring, inorganic solid w/definite chemical composition
Moh – moh’s scale is used to measure the hardness of a mineral
Nonfoliated – metamorphic rock where grains are rearranged but don’t form layers
Rock – mixture of minerals, rock fragments, or organic matter
Rock cycle – describes how rocks change slowly from one type to another
Sedimentary – forms when sediments are compacted or cemented together into layers
Sediments – loose rock fragments, mineral grains, and once-living plants & animals that have been eroded
Streak – color of a mineral in its powdered form