Fig. 11. Chrna6 and Chrnb3 expression depends Pitx3 and Nurr1 but through a different mechanism reported for Vmat2.(A) QPCR analysis of Chrna6 and Chrnb3 in Pitx3 (sorted mdDA neurons) and Nurr1 mutants compared to heterozygotes and wildtypes, respectively. Chrna6 and Chrnb3 expression depends Pitx3 and Nurr1 but through a different mechanism reported for Vmat2.(A) QPCR analysis of Chrna6 and Chrnb3 in Pitx3 (sorted mdDA neurons) and Nurr1 mutants compared to heterozygotes and wildtypes, respectively. In both mutants, the level of Chrna6 and Chrnb3 transcript is significantly downregulated. (B) Putative role of SMRT/HDAC-mediated repression of Nurr1 transcriptional activity modulated by Pitx3 in Chrna6 and Chrnb3 gene regulation. (C) FACS sorting data of E14.5 Pitx3-Gfp/+ and Pitx3-Gfp/− mice midbrain dissections. The arrow points to the Gfp positive cells that are sorted and used for mRNA isolation and subsequent QPCR analysis. The FACS sorting gate was set using an E14.5 C57Bl6-Jico (Bl6) reference sample to select GFP-positive mdDA neurons from either genotype. (D) QPCR analysis (n = 3) on sorted cells of sodium butyrate treated Pitx3-Gfp/− and Pitx3-Gfp/+ mice suggests that HDAC inhibition does not significantly rescue Chrna6 and Chrnb3 expression, as was shown for Vmat2. * P<0.05; *** P<0.01. Koushik Chakrabarty et al. Biology Open 2012;1:693-704 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd