Double Nickel Cueva Antibiotics What We Know Double Nickel and Cueva provide equal fire blight (blossom blight) control to provide Integrated control options. Double Nickel Cueva Antibiotics Double Nickel out performs Serenade.
Control of Fire Blight (blossom blight) Pear Timothy J. Smith, Wenatchee, WA. 2011 Cueva, Double Nickel & Serenade MAX applied 20%, 50% and 100% bloom. Agri-Mycin & Fireline applied at 100% bloom Bars with same letter NSD P=0.05
(blossom blight)Apple Control of Fire Blight (blossom blight)Apple Timothy J. Smith, Wenatchee, WA. 2013 Cueva, applied 100% bloom and petal fall. FireWall & FireLine applied at 100% bloom Bars with same letter NSD P=0.05; not all data included (25 treatments total in this trial) Data excerpted from presentation given by Tim Smith at the 2014 OPDM Conference in Portland, OR.
What We Know Traditional (high copper load) coppers cause russetting on most apple and pear varieties when sprayed at late delayed dormant and bloom. Cueva not only provides a high level of blossom blight control, it does so with a greater safety margin compared to traditional coppers. Cueva can be sprayed up until delayed dormancy and through bloom in non-phytotoxicity sensitive apple and pear varieties.
(blossom blight) Apple SoilGard Feb 2009 7/31/2019 Control of Fire Blight (blossom blight) Apple d d bc b Yoder, K. Virginia Tech, Winchester, VA. 2013. Gala variety, RCB design, 4 reps, 4 applications, from bloom through petal fall, 7 day intervals, machine driven sprayer, 100 GPA. Means with same letters NSD at 0.05. IND-2013-079
Effective Fire Blight Options CONVENTIONAL ORGANIC Antibiotics –Tetracycline and Streptomycin Blossom Protect Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Cueva* * Apply delayed dormant to reduce overwintering inoculum as well as a SAFE option during bloom for many apple and pear varieties. ** May be used late bloom to reduce russetting caused by Blossom Protect.
What We Know Double Nickel and Cueva each provide fire blight (blossom blight) control that is equivalent to streptomycin and tetracycline. Double Nickel out performs Serenade. Blossom Protect is effective at controlling blossom blight, however it can cause russetting-(Double Nickel may help control this russetting if application is timed toward the end of bloom.)
What We Know Traditional (high copper load) coppers cause russetting on most apple and pear varieties when sprayed at late delayed dormant and bloom. Cueva not only provides a high level of blossom blight control, it does so with a greater safety margin compared to traditional coppers. Cueva can be sprayed up until delayed dormancy and through bloom in non-phytotoxicity sensitive apple and pear varieties.