Writing the college application essay
Writing the college application essay
Imagine you owned a chocolate factory What would you want in an employee?
What would you want in a doctor?
What about fellow students?
For your college essay: Imagine what you want in your peers Who would you want to work with? Show those qualities in yourself Promote your strengths Highlight interests and relevant experiences Focus on past achievements Think of college as a job
Attributes Academic: grades, awards Extracurricular: sports, school clubs (FFA or ASB) Citizenship: volunteering, community service Life Experience: jobs, personal challenges Goals: career, personal, civic (community)
Essay Formant One: Personal Strengths Intro about yourself, interests, goals What you hope to do 3-5 reasons why you think you are a good choice for the major (why the school wants to choose you) Conclusion: How you think you will contribute to the school
Essay Format Two: Personal Journey Intro about yourself, interests, goals What you hope to do in college A story of a challenge and what you learned Explain why confronting/overcoming the challenge shows your strengths How will your contribute to making the school a better place
Scholarship reminder: there is money where you might not expect it Scholarship reminder: there is money where you might not expect it. Be prepared with your personal essay!
Log into your 10-Year-Plan, and go to lesson 12 Log into your 10-Year-Plan, and go to lesson 12. Use your class time to outline your essay. Tomorrow, you will write the first draft.
Homework p. 608,. s 1, 2, 4, 5 (ON PAGES 51 & 52) Quiz next week on 18 Homework p. 608, ?s 1, 2, 4, 5 (ON PAGES 51 & 52) Quiz next week on 18.1 Tomorrow, you will write the first draft of college/scholarship essay (Lesson 13).