House and Senate Vocab Bills and Laws Money 100 100 100 100 200 200


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Presentation transcript:

House and Senate Vocab Bills and Laws Money 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

Leader of the House of Representatives 100

Speaker of the House 100

Leader (president) of the Senate 200

Vice President 200

Helps the majority and minority leaders 300

Whips 300

Three requirements to be a House member 400

25 years old, US citizen for 7 yrs, legal resident of the state 400

Three requirements for a Senator 500

30 years old, US citizen for 9 yrs, legal resident of the state 500

Setting up new congressional districts after a census is called 100

redistricting 100

A filibuster can be stopped by this vote 200

A cloture 200

irregular restricting to gain power 300

Gerrymandering 300

Appropriation money for local projects through bills 400

Pork-barrel legislation 400

Social Security is an example of this 500

An entitlement 500

This type of bill has to do with issues effecting entire nation 100

Public bills 100

This type of bill has to deal with individuals 200

Private bills 200

Laws used for raising money for federal government 300 300

Revenue bills 300

Laws that authorize spending money 400

appropriations bills 400 400

They work out a final version of a bill before going to the President 500 500

Committees 500 500

Special interest groups that raise money to help elect lawmakers 100

PAC’s (political action committees) 100

These are good for districts because they bring in money and jobs 200

Federal Grants and contracts 200

Largest part of the budget is spent on this 300

Entitlements 300

Name recognition helps get these politician reelected 400

Incumbents 400

This House allows for more freedom during debates 500

Senate 500