Ambient noise profiles. Ambient noise profiles. (A) Spectrogram showing the power spectral density as a function of time of day for the ambient noise recording from Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve. Intensity has been colour coded relative to the scale bar on the right. Sunset and sunrise occurred at 18:09 h and 05.57 h, respectively. (B) Mean energy distribution shown as third octave levels (TOLs) for the noise recording from Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (solid line) and the recording at São Tomé (dashed line). Included for comparison is a 149 h and 47 min noise recording from Exmouth Gulf, Australia (22°18′37″S, 114°14′26.00″E) (grey dotted line) recorded with a sample rate of 288 kHz at 8 m depth (1.5 m above the bottom) with similar equipment as the Amazon recordings and analysed in an identical manner. Michael Ladegaard et al. J Exp Biol 2015;218:3091-3101 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd