New Immigrants Create a New America (1870-1920)
I. Basic Questions About New Immigrants Who? Southern and Eastern Europeans (Italy, Russia, Poland, etc.) Asians (Chinese & Japanese)
When? ~ 1870-1920
How Many? 20 Million +
Why? Jobs (Chinese, Japanese, Italians, etc.) Escape Religious Persecution (Eastern European Jews)
Where? East Coast Cities – New York, Boston, Philadelphia West Coast & Hawaii
How Long? Birds of Passage v. Permanent Residents
II. The Immigrant Experience in America A. Entering and Exiting at Ellis Island
B. Ethnic Neighborhoods, Tenements & Terrible Conditions
C. Rags to Riches for Some – Just Rags for Others
III. Restricting Immigration and the Rise of Nativism
A. Two Reasons for Restrictions Economic: Job Competition, Poverty & Lower Wages Cultural/Racial: Fear of Foreign Cultures, Language, Ideas & Religion
B. Examples of Restrictions Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Immigration Act of 1924