What is a scientific theory?
Scientific Theory An explanation for why something happens in nature that has a lot of evidence to support it. Can change if new evidence becomes available They not only allow scientists to explain but also make predictions. (Cause and Effect Relationship) Germ Theory You feel sick. Predict what is causing it.
Key Learning: Scientific explanations are based on evidence that comes from making observations and inferences. These explanations may change as new evidence arises. UEQ: What is the nature of science? Observations, types of data, making inferences, scientific inquiry, scientists in action, science as a way of knowing
New Germ Theory? What did scientists and doctors originally believe to be the cause of peptic ulcers and hardening of the arteries? Why did scientists and doctors change their minds about what causes peptic ulcers and hardening of the arteries? Why were scientists and doctors so reluctant to accept that bacteria caused the diseases? If Pasteur had not proposed the germ theory would bacteria have ever been identified as the cause of so many diseases?
Exit Ticket 1. How is science different from other ways of knowing? 2. How is the term theory used differently in science than in everyday language?