Vocabulary Fertilization – joining of a sperm and an egg cell Gamete – sex cell (sperm or egg) Genes – DNA that determines your traits Meiosis - cell division to produce gametes with ½ the number of chromosomes
Vocabulary Mitosis – cell division to produce cells with a full set of chromosomes Offspring – new individuals produced as a result of reproduction Zygote – fertilized egg
Reproductive System: Function: produces _____________ (sex cells) and offspring Gametes Ensures the survival of the ____________ Sexual reproduction: A. requires ____parents B. ______the genes are obtained from each parent C. offspring are not ____________ to either parent due to inheriting _________ from both parents species 2 1/2 Identical Genes/DNA
Organs: A. Male B. Female 1. Testes: produce _______ 1. Ovaries: produces ______ 2. Oviduct (______________ ): where the egg is _______________ 3. Uterus: lined with _____________where the zygote (_____________ ) attaches and ______________ Sperm Egg Fallopian Tubes Released/ Fertilized Thick muscular walls Fertilized egg Develops
Gametes: Sperm A. __________ sex cell B. contains _____ chromosomes Egg A. ____________ sex cell B. contains ______ chromosomes Male 23 Female 23
Meiosis: Cell division used to produce ____________ Produces cells with _______ the genetic information Produces _______ sperm cells or ______ egg cell Gametes (sex cells) 1/2 4 1
Fertilization: Sperm Joining of a ___________ and an _________ cell Produces a ____________ with 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) Occurs in the __________ of the female (internal fertilization) If the egg does not become fertilized in the oviduct then it passes out of the body and __________________ begins Sperm Egg Zygote Oviduct Menstruation
Development After Fertilization: Zygote undergoes mitosis cell division as it travels down the _____________and attaches to the _____________ Once attached to the uterus the _______________ forms to exchange __________, ______________ and __________ between the baby and mother The baby is attached to the placenta by the _______________ Embryo during the first _____ weeks of development Fetus from eight weeks to _______________ Gestation period: pregnancy Oviducts Uterus (Implantation) Placenta Wastes Nourishment Protection Umbilical cord 7 9 months
A. Sperm B. Egg C. Fertilization D. Zygote E.- G. Mitosis Sperm and Egg are produced by Meiosis Proof that Fertilization has occurred is that there are twice as many chromosomes in the zygote than there are in the egg or sperm cell alone