Waste & Recycling Collection Service Update
Implementation Update Standard service rollout has been completed. We have :- Supplied and delivered over 1/2 million new collection containers Collected and recycled 200,000 legacy containers Developed and distributed over 600,000 pieces of awareness information Delivered a new bespoke collection fleet. Work is continuing on providing enhanced services to the remaining multi occupancy dwellings
Current Position Now entering a more settled period Impact of Weekly missed collection levels Peak 2081, now 572 (over 500,000 containers are successful serviced each week) Contact centre call levels are less than 290 / day comparable to pre service change. Impact of festive period (double the normal daily tonnage) recent bad weather
Outstanding areas of concern Service misuse (enforcement initiative) Quality issues Spillages generated through collection activities Correct return of containers Repeat missed collections Contamination
Service Improvement Plan Spillages & Container Return : Toolbox talk all employees, supervisor monitoring, formal action to continued non-complance. Repeat missed collections : Introduced formal sign off process for collections repeatedly missed. Introduced bespoke vehicles for certain collection points Monitoring of crews both on the ground and via live video feed. Rebalance rounds to ensure continuity across the service
What impact is ‘Recycle First’ service having?
Kg of residual waste / HH
Recycling Performance %
Future opportunities Bring bank review Bulky reuse partnership Nappy recycling Material specific awareness raising Streetscene waste recycling Garden and food waste reduction Community composting On street recycling
Any Questions