Research Method Sample Ethics Data Validity Reliability Psychology A Level Study: Name: Date: Learning Outcomes: Piliavin et al & Levine et al Basic: Describe the key features of the 2 studies Reasonable Compare and contrast the two studies Effective Evaluate the 2 studies Evaluation of Piliavin et al. Research Method Sample Ethics Key Area: What is the Social Area to Psychology? What do social psychologists study? How does this study fit with this approach? Key Words Altruism Pro-Social Behaviour Bystander Bystander apathy Helping behaviour Pluralistic Ignorance Diffusion of Responsibility Arousal: Cost/Reward Model Data Validity Reliability
Research Method Sample Ethics Data Validity Reliability Psychology A Level Study: Name: Date: Learning Outcomes: Piliavin et al & Levine et al Basic: Describe the key features of the 2 studies Reasonable Compare and contrast the two studies Effective Evaluate the 2 studies Evaluation of Levine et al. Research Method Sample Ethics To what extent does the contemporary study change our understanding of the key theme and changes our understanding of individual, social and cultural diversity? Data Validity Reliability Homework: 1. Complete page 26 and 27 of your work packs 2. Ensure you have completed the work pack You should be using page 28 for your revision of year 1 and year 2!