Anatomy of bluegill sunfish fins to illustrate the shape and textured surface of fins in ray-finned fishes, which are not often streamlined in cross-section (also see Fig. 4). Anatomy of bluegill sunfish fins to illustrate the shape and textured surface of fins in ray-finned fishes, which are not often streamlined in cross-section (also see Fig. 4). The position of fin sections for C and D are indicated in A for a fish 15 cm in length. (B) Light micrograph of skeletal elements of dorsal fin spines, stained red, and the collagenous membrane that connects the spines. (C,D) Enlarged anterior views of the dorsal and caudal fins show the ‘bumpy’ texture caused by the fin rays and intervening membrane that connects the rays. Fish fins can be composed of rigid spines as well as more flexible regions supported by fin rays. Figure elements modified with permission from Lauder (2011). Frank E. Fish, and George V. Lauder J Exp Biol 2017;220:4351-4363 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd