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Presentation transcript:

To download a copy of today’s lesson go to TheGoodTeacher To download a copy of today’s lesson go to and click on “Gospel Meetings”

If the Foundations Be Destroyed What Can the Righteous Do? Lessons From Psalm 11 Prepared by Chris Reeves * Centralia church of Christ Gospel Meeting * October 28, 2015

If the Foundations Be Destroyed Like the psalmist (Psa. 11), we live in troubled times (2 Tim. 3:1ff) The “foundations” are the principles that hold a people together: law, order, justice, right, good, truth, etc. What can the righteous do? Flee or faith!

If the Foundations Be Destroyed The foundation of the home is under attack (Gen. 2:18ff) The foundation of society is under attack (Prov. 14:34) The foundation of religion is under attack (Eph. 4:4-6)

What Can the Righteous Do? The righteous can trust in the Lord, take refuge in him and not flee (11:1) There is a time to flee (Gen. 39:7-13) There is a time to not flee (Neh. 6:10-11) Trust in the Lord, not economics, social security, politics, treaties, possessions, etc.

What Can the Righteous Do? The righteous can patiently wait for the Lord who still sits in judgment (11:4-6) The Lord will take care of his own (Mt. 6:13; Rom. 8:31-39; 2 Tim. 2:19 [Prov. 10:25]; Heb. 13:5-6) Let the Lord take care of the evil-doers; don’t take revenge; overcome evil with good (Rom. 12:18-21; 1 Pet. 2:13-17, 21-23)

What Can the Righteous Do? The righteous can continue living upright lives (11:7) Continue to pray & obey (Acts 4:24-31; 5:28) Continue to assemble (Heb. 10:24-25, 32-39) Continue to remain active in the local church (Rev. 2-3) Continue to live for heaven (Phil. 3:20)

What Can the Righteous Do? The righteous can continue living upright lives (11:7) Continue to raise your family right (Gen. 6) Continue to stand for truth (Jude 3) Continue to teach others the way of truth

What Can the Righteous Do? The righteous can rebuild and repair the foundations that have been destroyed by man (Ezra 3:8ff; 4:4; 9:9; Neh. 1:3ff; 3:1ff) Restoration through teaching (2 Tim. 1:13; 2:2) Restoration through conversion (Gal. 6:1; Jas. 5:19-20)

What Can the Righteous Do? Faith Not Flight!