The American Revolution Begins
Thomas Paine
Moving Towards Independence In January 1776, a man by the name of Thomas Paine published a pamphlet entitled “Common Sense”. “Common Sense” was Patriot propaganda. Paine called for complete independence from Britain. Paine stated that is was simply common sense that the colonists break away from England.
The Colonists Declare Independence On July 2nd , 1776 the Continental Congress voted unanimously to declare their independence. On July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. Interesting fact: John Hancock was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence and his signature is the largest on the document.
Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence has four major sections: The preamble, or introduction, states that people who wish to form a new country should explain their reasons for doing so. The first main section states general ideas about society, government, and natural rights.
The Declaration of Independence 3.The third section lists the many grievances Americans held against the King of England. The grievances included cutting the colonists off from trading with other parts of the world and imposing taxes without consent or representation. 4.The Declaration ends by announcing America’s status as a new independent nation.
The Early Years of the War After the colonies declared independence from England in July 1776, a major war for freedom was unavoidable. John Adams predicted “We shall have a long and bloody war to go through.”
English Advantages in War The British had the world’s best military. They had the strongest navy and a well trained, experienced army. The British hired 30,000 Hessian mercenaries. mercenary= individuals paid to fight for another country Britain had a larger population (Britain had 8 million people compared to 2.5 million in the United States.)
3. Not all Americans supported a war for independence. British Advantages 3. Not all Americans supported a war for independence. These divided loyalties caused tensions among colonists. 4. Georgia and the Carolinas had the largest Loyalist populations.
Patriot Advantages LAND: Americans got to fight on their own soil. They knew the layout of the land. SUPPLY: They did not have to ship supplies thousands of miles away. MOTIVATION: The Patriots had a cause worth fighting for. LEADERSHIP: The patriots had George Washington. Few could match Washington in courage, honesty and determination.
Raising an Army The Continental Congress established the Continental Army, but relied on the states to recruit soldiers.
CHOOSING SIDES African Americans fought on both sides of the war. PATRIOTS- Many fought because they needed the money. Some fought for the cause: freedom. LOYALISTS- England guaranteed freedom from slavery after the war.
Early Major Battles The Early years of the war took place in the North. BRITISH VICTORIES: New York City was captured on September 13, 1776. Philadelphia was captured on September 26, 1777. PATRIOT VICTORIES: New Jersey (Trenton and Princeton)-December 26, 1776. Saratoga (New York)- October 7, 1777 led by Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.
Battle of Saratoga The Battle of Saratoga proved that colonial militia could defeat trained British soldiers.
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was key for the Americans He acted as a diplomat- representative who works with foreign countries He was able to convince France to side with the Patriots.
The Most Important Ally France: In 1778 France declares war on Britain and sent money, equipment and troops to aid the American Patriots.
The Americans Gain Allies Other European nations also helped the American because of their hate for Britain. Spain declared war on Britain in 1779. Spain captured British forts at Mobile in 1780 and Pensacola in 1781.
Valley Forge In the winter of 1778, George Washington endured a winter of suffering at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
Valley Forge
Valley Forge At Valley Forge Washington’s men had lack of food, clothing and shelter. Many men in the Continental Army deserted (left without permission) due to the hardships. 2,000 men died mainly of starvation and cold. Despite the tragedy, the Continental Army survived the winter.
Baron Von Steuben
Valley Forge While at Valley Forge, a German ally named Baron von Stueben helped train the undisciplined American troops. He taught American soldiers marching techniques, proper use of firearms and how to utilize bayonets in battle. Despite the suffering, the Continental Army was a well trained fighting force following Valley Forge.
Marquis De Lafayette
Marquis de Lafayette French son of an aristocrat Comes to Valley Forge in 1775 at 18 years old "My heart was enlisted and I thought only of joining the colors.“ Becomes Washington’s most trusted commander Wins victories at Barren Hill, Monmouth, Rhode Island, and Yorktown
Women in the War Women contributed greatly to the war effort. Many women held down the home front by taking care of the house and children. Some followed their husbands to battle. Many provided entertainment by dancing, singing and keeping the spirits of soldiers up.
Women in the War Right: Deborah Sampson disguised as a man in battle. Below: The famous Molly Pitcher.