How to survive in Mrs. Trotter’s Class Click here
1. What to do when the bell rings
2. Tardies
3. How to enter my classroom
4. What students will do to get my attention
5. How to quiet a noisey class
6. Restroom breaks
7. What to do if an emergency alert sounds
8. What to do if a pencil breaks
9. What to do at dismissal time
10. Assignments
11. Where to find an assignment if you have been absent
12. Where completed papers go
13. What students will do when they finish an assignment
14. Cell Phones
15. Listening and Responding to Questions
16. Working Cooperatively
17. Keep Desks Orderly
18. Passing In Papers Fine! Here!
19. Exchanging Papers
20. When visitors come in the classroom
21. Emergency situations
22. Have fun and learn a lot of cool stuff