D&I Strategic Planning Update Carolyn Brinkworth
Diversity Action Summit 140 people, lot of management. Full day. Started out with setting the boundaries, case for diversity, overview of the culture survey results
We asked folks to tell us why D&I is important
Then we did a mind map. Folks threw out anything they felt was important to help D&I progress. Then we voted later in the day.
Mind Map Output Empower people in all jobs and at all levels Ensure there are consequences for inappropriate behaviour Teach people skills to all employees – particularly empathy and giving & receiving feedback Hold supervisors accountable for the professional development of their teams Recognize diverse contributions in performance evaluations Write down our shared values and align to them Engage more people in D&I, including those who don’t understand the importance and those who feel disempowered Provide ongoing training for everyone Top 8 things that came out.
We asked folks to think in groups about their vision for the org
Taking each of the mind map areas, we asked for suggestions about steps we could take to accomplish the goals. Each group reported out.
Finally, we asked folks for a 1-word summary of how they felt about the day.
Recent Steps & Coming Up Goals & Targets documents Implementation Plan template (due Feb 28) Final Next Steps Workshops Recruiting people of color, people with disabilities and conservatives Internal Advisory Committee: mapping L/P/D goals onto the Diversity Action Summit goals Have all but 5 G&T docs – those folks had very late NSWs. Everyone else has received feedback on their docs, and we’ve asked for revisions by tomorrow. Impl plan templates will go out next week with a return deadline of Feb 28. 4 routine NSW still to go, plus 3 new ones to fill a gap that was ID’d by several people during the sessions.