Promotion and Tenure.


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Presentation transcript:

Promotion and Tenure

Promotion and Tenure Promotion and Tenure are two different processes Tenure entitles a faculty member to continue in an academic position unless dismissed for good cause. Promotion is appointment to the next rank (assistant to associate or associate to full professor) Promotion and Tenure section of Faculty Handbook, beginning on p. 47

Promotion and Tenure Eligibility Must be in a tenure track line Tenure track assistant professor must apply for promotion and tenure at the same time Criteria for review is the same as Annual Review of Faculty Instructional Responsibilities Intellectual Contributions Professional Service

Promotion and Tenure Eligibility for promotion Eligibility for tenure Promotion to associate professor 5 years in rank Outstanding or excellent in all three categories (IR, IC, PC) Promotion to professor At least 4 years at associate professor rank Outstanding in either Instructional Responsibilities or Intellectual Contributions Excellent in the other two categories Eligibility for tenure Outstanding or excellent in all three categories

Promotion and Tenure Third Year Review Consider it a “dry run” Midpoint correction Critical juncture in promotion and tenure path Take it seriously

Change to Faculty Handbook Addition of new Section V of the Promotion and Tenure Portfolio (p. 64-65): Section V: Third Year Review The written Third Year Review recommendations from the candidate’s Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee, direct supervisor, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, College Dean, and Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. Other sections will be renamed as follows: Section VI : Annual Review of Faculty Section VII: Recommendation for Continuation of Probationary Appointment Section VIII: Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness

Change to Faculty Handbook Renumbering of Section 4.4 to Section 4.3.1 (p. 51) This change in numbering makes it clear that this sub-section refers only to promotion to full professor.

Change to Faculty Handbook Section 5.2.3 (p. 53), new wording for extenuating circumstances for Third-Year review that is consistent with the language in the promotion and tenure section. It will read: The Third-Year Review Portfolio must be presented to and acknowledged by the direct supervisor or designee on or before 5:00 p.m. on September 15 (early in their fourth year of employment). Unless there are significant extenuating circumstances, failure to submit the Portfolio by the prescribed deadline will preclude the faculty member from applying for third- year review. The Provost shall determine whether failure to submit on time was due to significant extenuating circumstances. A tenure-track faculty member who fails to submit his or her Third-Year Review Portfolio by the prescribed deadline will be given a terminal appointment for the following academic year.

Change to Faculty Handbook Section 5.2.6 (p. 54) add explicit language about the written recommendations becoming a permanent part of the record as the portfolio moves forward. It will read: The chair of the Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee shall schedule all meetings, conduct all deliberations, supervise the election of the outside member(s), oversee the required votes for all candidates for third-year review, and complete and submit a written report and tabulation of the committee’s votes to the direct supervisor by the date set by the direct supervisor. The written recommendation shall summarize the rationale for the Committee recommendation and shall become part of the candidate’s Portfolio and remain in the Portfolio throughout the evaluation process. The structure and procedures for the Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee are outlined in Section 5.5 of the Promotion and Tenure policy.

Considerations For Associate Professor Key Question Beginning of your 6th year (5 years in rank) Based on demonstrated performance and future potential Key Question What have you accomplished since becoming a tenure track faculty member at WTAMU?

Considerations Professor Beginning of 5th year in rank as associate professor Based upon having achieved professional and scholarly achievement Evidence of: Outstanding teaching Significant scholarship Professional growth Service

Considerations Key Question: What have you accomplished since last promotion?

Promotion and Tenure Portfolio For 3rd year Review and Promotion and Tenure Consideration (pp.64-65) Must follow order in faculty handbook Sections must be separated by numbered or labeled tab dividers Begin with first year of tenure track appointment and continue to August 31 of application year Only turn in the portfolio but must also have supporting documentation for review Some colleges may elect to require supplementary folders with this documentation You may review a colleague’s portfolio but must obtain permission from that colleague and review in the Provost’s office

Promotion and Tenure Portfolio For 3rd year Review and Promotion and Tenure Consideration All portfolios are due on or before 5:00pm, September 15 (September 16 for 2019) Applicants and departmental representative sign an acknowledgement form See Faculty Handbook, pp.64-65 for the contents of the portfolio Please note the change in sections described earlier (Section V for Third Year Review material) Alumni evaluations must be requested by the department head/direct supervisor by June 1. Grade distributions and course evaluations are available online by searching the WTAMU website for grade distributions ( and course evaluations ( If you cannot find the year you need, please contact the office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.

Spring/Summer Portfolio preparation April/May Meeting with all candidates June 1 Deadline for direct supervisor to request alumni evaluations Spring/Summer Portfolio preparation Sept. 15 Portfolio due to direct supervisor. Review by dept. committee/direct supervisor. Oct. 15 Portfolio moves to review by college committee/dean. Candidate receives status letter. Nov. 15 Portfolio moves to review by university committee. Candidate receives status letter.

Recommendations submitted to Provost/VPAA. Status letter to candidate. Dec. 15 Recommendations submitted to Provost/VPAA. Status letter to candidate. Jan. 10 Recommendations to President. Status letter to candidate. Feb. 10 President informs VPAA of recommendations for BoR Feb. 20 Status letter to all candidates about BoR recommendations. April/May BoR meets for approval of candidates.

Change in TAMU System Process For tenured candidates seeking promotion only: Per System Policy 01.03 section 4.1.1 “A university president shall appoint and approve promotion of all members of the faculty except as provided in Section 4.1.3, and the president shall annually provide to the chancellor a list of all faculty promoted during the preceding fiscal year.” Previously, the chancellor’s confirmation was required.  This is no longer the case. 

Tips to get started Stay focused Organize materials documenting your record Critically document your activities Demonstrate continuous growth Use and improve on your annual evaluations Know the guidelines Seek advice

Questions? Comments? Wade Shaffer, Provost/VPAA, Office of Academic Affairs Amy Andersen, Associate Provost, Office of Academic Affairs