Follow-up to the WCS: Experiences and views from UNESCO WCS Follow-up Symposium, Harnessing science for society: further partnerships. Venice, March 2-5, 2005 Follow-up to the WCS: Experiences and views from UNESCO Maciej Nalecz, Director, Division of Basic and Engineering Sciences, UNESCO HQ, PARIS
Science agenda Science for knowledge; knowledge for progress Science for peace and development Science in society and science for society
GAPS Foster industrial involvement Improve communication Stimulate coordination of actions at regional level More effort is needed to maintain the spirit of the WCS
Further needs Continue effort to assure proper commitments Continue efforts for capacity building Commitment towards equitable participation of women in science
WCS Follow-up Symposium, Harnessing science for society: further partnerships. Venice, March 2nd-5th, 2005 Follow-up to the WCS: what was good, what went wrong, what is to be modified and/or added UPDATE OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO MEMBER STATES