JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA LLI-10 Introducing nature tourism for all UniGreen JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA 4th PERIOD OVERVIEW About budget: Already spend Plan to spend 1 period – 4 091,38 Eur or 1,4 % of the total budget In 5th period we plan to use the remaining project budget, i.e. 42,8 % 2 period – 44 246,12 Eur or 15,2 % of the total budget Total 124 872,64 Eur 3 period – 7 494,96 Eur or 2,6 % of the total budget 4 period planned – 110 631,83 Eur or Almost 38 % of the total budget In the end of 4th period has been used more than half of the planned project budget It‘s about 57,2 % Future amphitheater
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA 4th PERIOD OVERVIEW Delivery title Target value Deliverable D.I1.8.1 Amphitheater 1 Not finished. Planned to finish in 5th period. Deliverable D.I1.8.2 Wellness trail with recreational equipment (length – 2460 m.) Part are finished (2511m2), but will be updating. Other part (214 m.) Planned to finish in 5th period. Deliverable D.I1.8.3 Recreation area with benches and dustbins 9 5 units are finished, but will be updating. Other 4 not finished. Planned to finish in 5th period. Deliverable D.I1.8.4 Education nature trail (Length – 700 m. of which Wooden fragments length 70 m.) Accorting to the territory landscape wet places there will need to make 145 m. length wooden trail. Deliverable D.I1.8.5 Landscape image viewing platform 4 2 units are finished, but will be updating. Other 2 not finished. Planned to finish in 5th period. Deliverable D.I1.8.6 Swings 5 Finished, but coating will be updating. Deliverable D.I1.8.7 Reflexotherapy trail (100 m. length) Deliverable D.I1.8.8 Stainless steel slide changed to Plastic slide Will be buyed separately. Planned to finish till the end of June.
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA 4th PERIOD OVERVIEW Delivery title Target value Deliverable D.I1.8.9 Playground with various gaming equipment designed for 1-6 year olds children 1 Finished, but coating will be updating. Deliverable D.I1.8.10 Information stand 4 Not finished. Planned to finish till the end of April. Deliverable D.I1.8.11 Special trail come down to people with disabilities problems Not finished. Planned to finish in 5th period. Deliverable D.I1.8.12 Wooden stairs with handrails adapt to people with visibility problems There will need additional stairs. Deliverable D.I1.8.13 Small bridge and foot-bridge 6 Accorting to the territory landscape wet places there will need 12 bridges. Not finished. Planned to finish in 5th period. Deliverable D.I1.8.14 Toilets 3 Deliverable D.I1.8.15 Adventure park for 7-15 year olds children
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA 4th PERIOD OVERVIEW We are currently unable to specify the exact dates. When a contract with a contractor will be signed, he will be required to provide a precise schedule of the works. It is also planned to change some activities of the project, due to the change of the scope of some positions. We plan to do this in the near future. Future amphitheater
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA Time schedule for project activities 4th PERIOD OVERVIEW Time schedule for project activities Activity Term Procurement: The first did not happen because the suggested prices were significantly higher than the remaining project budget. * deadline for submission of tenders by 12 April. * evaluation of proposals received – about 2-3 weeks Sign a contract with a contractor Till the 15 of May Finish all planned investments in park Till the 15 of October
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA 3rd PERIOD OVERVIEW The situation is the same: Future amphitheater
JAURYKLA PARK IN KRETINGA The end Future amphitheater