By Kyler, Jeffrey and Ayden Echinoderms By Kyler, Jeffrey and Ayden
Description a marine invertebrate of the phylum Echinodermata, such as a starfish, sea urchin, or sea cucumber.
Symmetry of Echinoderms Evolved from bilateral symmetry Larvae look like embryonic chordates In adulthood, possess pentalateral symmetry (five sided)
Method of Feeding Heterotrophs Possess several methods May be carnivorous or herbivorous
Circulation Open circulatory system Network of fluid filled canals Tube feet
Response Cellular response and a humoral one. Fixes problems
Excretion Uses its Water Vascular System to flush out any waste substances They have no organs for direct excretion
Movement Have many tube feet on each of their “arms” Expanding and contracting certain chambers in the water system Moves water into certain feet which makes it move
Respiration Exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen Tube is surface for respiration
Classes and Examples Divided into five extant classes animal Asteroidea (starfish) Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) Echinoidea (sea urchin and sand dollars) Crinoidea (sea lilies or feather stars) Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)