Encounter Ministry Welcome to TAPC! 7/23/2017 10:30am Worship www.encounterJesusNow.org
Gathering Music (Recorded)
Greeting One Another Passing the Peace
Responsive Call to Worship
Responsive Call to Worship Leader: I give you a great statement from the lips of Christ. Think it through. He said, “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD.” Those few words reveal somethings of the care and love which Christ brings to you now.
Responsive Call to Worship PEOPLE: As those who have gone astray, we come back into the fold. As those who are stained and sullied, we ask to be washed clean.
Responsive Call to Worship PEOPLE: As those who are hungry, as seek to be fed. As those who wander aimlessly, we desire to be led by the Spirit into all Truth
Responsive Call to Worship PEOPLE: As those who are hurt and wounded, we ask for haling of mind, spirit and body. Amen.
“HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD” (YouTube) Worship Song “HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD” (YouTube)
Call to Confession (unison)
Call to Confession (unison) Come from those scattered places where difference divide and inhumanity dismays. Bring the injustices of a troubled world and the prejudices and
Call to Confession (unison) narrowness of our own vision to the only One who can heal. Let us recognize together that we are sinners in thoughts and deed, even as we try to be faithful.
Prayer of Confession (unison)
Prayer of Confession (unison) Loving and gracious God This morning our prayer of confession is that of the hymn writer, “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, O take and
Prayer of Confession (unison) seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.” Thank You for all the “sign posts” to call us back to You with mercy and grace. Strengthen our belief in Your promises through all the seasons of life. We
Prayer of Confession (unison) want to draw close to You when we laugh, when we cry, while we live, when we die. We want to be close to You through the seasons of our life. Hear our heart’s desire, gracious God.
Silent Personal Prayer
Declaration of Pardon (unison)
Declaration of Pardon (unison) God of all grace, we pray that as we daily seek and receive Your full and free forgiveness of our sins, so we may as fully and freely forgive those who do us wrong; and may we offer our forgiveness, even as You grant us Yours, for the sake of our Savor Jesus Christ.
“AT THE CROSS” (You Tube) Worship Song “AT THE CROSS” (You Tube)
Morning Prayer, Sending Prayer for Alvina and The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; The Lord’s Prayer And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Old Testament: Psalm 23 & New Testament: Luke 15:3-7 Scripture Lesson Old Testament: Psalm 23 & New Testament: Luke 15:3-7 (Please open your Bibles)
Morning Message “The Lost Sheep”
Outline: Define Parable
Outline: Define Parable Entrance Into Parable
Outline: Define Parable Entrance Into Parable Explanation of Parable
Outline: Define Parable Entrance Into Parable Explanation of Parable Experience of Parable
Outline: Define Parable Entrance Into Parable Explanation of Parable Experience of Parable Response to Parable
What We Learn About God: God takes the initiative. God cares for each person individually. God goes where the lost are. God will search diligently God is gloriously happy to have the lost one back again.
What We Learn About God: God takes the initiative. God cares for each person individually. God goes where the lost are. God will search diligently God is gloriously happy to have the lost one back again.
What We Learn About God: God takes the initiative. God cares for each person individually. God goes where the lost are. God will search diligently God is gloriously happy to have the lost one back again.
What We Learn About God: God takes the initiative. God cares for each person individually. God goes where the lost are. God will search diligently God is gloriously happy to have the lost one back again.
What We Learn About God: God takes the initiative. God cares for each person individually. God goes where the lost are. God will search diligently God is gloriously happy to have the lost one back again.
Pastoral Prayer
Prayer of Thanksgiving
“They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” (YouTube) Closing Song “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” (YouTube)