9 February 2015 Before the bell rings,


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Presentation transcript:

9 February 2015 Before the bell rings, Give your chapter guide to one group member—he/she must place the guides (together) in the HW bin Remove all items from your desk except your vocabulary worksheet and a writing utensil.

Vocabulary 1 Review your definition of the word with the definitions below Create flash cards (use plain paper from the cart) and quiz yourself (in pairs/small groups) 1. Squandered: Verb – to spend foolishly or wastefully 6. Collusion: noun – secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose 11. Culmination: noun – the end or final result of something 2. Daunting: Adj- tending to make people afraid or less confident 7. Convene: Verb – to come together in a group for a meeting 12. Beckoning: verb – to signal with your arm or hand in order for someone to follow 3. Mayhem: Noun- actions that hurt people and destroy things; a scene that involves a lot of violence 8. Corroborated: verb – to support or help prove something by providing information or evidence 13. Threshold: noun – the point or level at which something begins or changes 4. Reminiscent: Adjective – thinking about the past 9. Tedious: Adjective – boring and too slow or long 14. Rout: noun – a disastrous defeat 5. Certitude: noun – the state of feeling free from doubt 10. Bustling: Adj – having a lot of busy activity 15. Garland: noun—a ring or rope that is made of leaves, flowers, or some other material that is used as decoration.

Reading Groups: Read alternately and discuss the text. http://www.readanybook.com/ebook/the-help-27 Reading Groups: Read alternately and discuss the text. Write individual answers to the questions. Complete the daily group journal log (best hand-writing) *Chapter Guides due middle of class Friday (Ch. 2 Black Boy; Ch. 3 & 4 The Help) Homework: Study Vocabulary 1 QUIZ Tues. 2/10 & Wed. 2/11

10 & 11 February 2015 Reading Groups: Before the bell rings, Remove all items from your desk except your computer and cell phone—turn it off—I will collect it. Complete the Vocabulary 1 Quiz—You have 20 minutes. Reading Groups: read Black Boy (ch. 2) and The Help (ch. 3 & 4); begin chapter guides for HW. Reading Groups: Read alternately and discuss the text. Write individual answers to the questions. Complete the daily group journal log (best hand-writing) HW: Chapter Guides due middle of class Friday (Ch. 2 Black Boy; Ch. 3 & 4 The Help)

12 & 13 February 2015 Reading Groups: Before the bell rings, Sit with your group members. Remove all items from your desk except a writing utensil. Complete your daily duty: retrieve group log or novels for group. Reading Groups—directions are below. At 10:00/11:45 complete Reading Quiz 1 (Ch. 1&2 Black Boy; Ch. 1-4 The Help) Reading Groups: Read alternately and discuss the text. Write individual answers to the questions. Complete the daily group journal log (best hand-writing) Chapter Guides due middle of class today (Ch. 2 Black Boy; Ch. 3 & 4 The Help)

Black Boy—Audio online The Help—online http://gelleresol.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/1/6/30164729/the_help _-_kathryn_stockett.pdf Black Boy—Audio online Vimeo.com/22162849 Homework: Read and complete the next study guide—due Tues/Wed 217 & 2/18 Complete Study Island sessions 1-10 @ 70% or higher—due Fri 2/20