與老師合作處理 患思覺失調學生的經驗分享 黃美群 香港基督教女青年會 學校社工 21/3/2007.


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Presentation transcript:

與老師合作處理 患思覺失調學生的經驗分享 黃美群 香港基督教女青年會 學校社工 21/3/2007

The case of Ann

Empathy, Genuine Care & Concern Understanding communication Intervention reality Treatment Integration community Interaction

Assessment, Analysis, Diagnosis  Understanding

Understanding: Early psychosis Client’s subjective experience (symptoms, labelling, rehab.&service, medication…) 3. What justified the hallucinations & delusions? (Make meaning out of client’s experience) Worker’s state / readiness / strengths Pacing of different teachers

Frequently asked Questions: Does s/he really have the illness? How will s/he behave? Any danger? Any violent / bizarre thoughts or act? Does s/he see a psychiatrist? Any medication? Drug compliance? Does s/he suitable to attend school? What can I do? How can I help?

Objectives: +ve environement (Re-establishing the supportive social environment) +ve experiences +ve activities +ve relationship

Reflections: What is the meaning of the illness to the client? care plan should be personalized Strengths based oriented Does the worker really believe? How to convince the other parties? What is the strength of a SSW and how to fully utilize?

Thank you!