The Wiltja Program provides an opportunity for Anangu students to access urban secondary schooling including opportunities for personal extension and the completion of SACE courses.
Accelerated Literacy Attendance, Retention and Destination SACE Numeracy Vocational Education Residence/School Partnerships Information Technology Wellbeing Relevant and Dynamic Curriculum Geosciences Pitjantjatjara Doorways to Construction Social Science Radio Broadcasting
Anangu parents Aboriginal Lands District DECS Teachers PYEC AEWs SSOs Nganampa Health SAPOL Tri-state Anangu Communities Anangu Coordinators Radio Adelaide PIRSA FACS TAFE Woodville High School Community Schools Wiltja Residence Wiltja School Wiltja Student Shine SA DEEWR Gateways Youth Opportunities
National Viable Economies Meaningful Employment A shift away from passive welfare Health Local Student leadership Post secondary pathways Future SACE Continuously improving literacy and numeracy
Yr 10 Yr 8
Community representative Wiltja is a school for Anangu that helps our children stay and finish Year 12. We like the way Wiltja works to improve opportunities for our students and are pleased with their progress. Wiltja has been working for our childrens futures for a very long time and is helping to keep our communities strong. Signed: Katrina Tjitayi, Director, Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Education Committee Aboriginal student representative My name is Patrick Walker and I come from Oodnadatta. I first came to Woodville in Year 11 to finish my SACE. Ive been encouraged and supported by others to succeed in my goals, and I am now a graduate. The Accelerated Literacy program has helped me to read and understand Shakespeare (Macbeth) and poems by Wordsworth. Signed: Patrick Walker, SACE Graduate 2007, Wiltja Program.
Aboriginal educator representative As an Aboriginal man of Ngarrindjeri descent, an Aboriginal Education Worker with over 10 years experience, and a flourishing tertiary student of teaching, I sincerely verify the enduring success and achievements of the Wiltja program. For over 25 years Wiltja has serviced Anangu adolescents with its commitment to empowering the future generations of Indigenous peoples of 30 different remote communities. With its consistency, focus on student retention and key quality educational outcomes, the Wiltja Program has achieved notable accomplishments in Year 9 student retention and the creation of relevant SACE subjects with a literary focal point across the curriculum. Regular Year 12 graduates are also a declaration of success with five graduates in 2007 and a total of 31 graduates since Coupled with a strong positive school ethos adopted by its staff, the Wiltja Program is a beacon of achievement and a case in point for all Indigenous schools Australia wide. Signed: Michael Morrison Aboriginal Education Worker, Wiltja Program.