Online Module Selection (OMS) system Continuing Student User Guide 2008/09
2 Once you have read the Terms and Conditions, clicking the box allows you to enter your login details and proceed
3 Enter your normal network username and password details and press the Login button to proceed
4 You are initially presented with the top level view of the subject(s) you are studying; PLEASE READ ALL THE NOTES CAREFULLY. To START - Click the open folder to start choosing A red flag indicates that you are required to make choices within this subject
5 Opening the subject presents subsets of modules, according to the structure as published on the Programme Details. These may be compulsory/core, required or optional. Please read your Programmes Module guidance booklet for advice on which modules to choose. Click here for the index page.
6 Opening a module subset displays the modules available for selection To select a module, click in the box here
7 A running total of credits chosen is updated whenever a choice is made, and can be compared to the required number of credits A list of currently selected modules is presented when hovering over theView Your allocated modules So Far link
8 You can save your selections, if you wish to continue making choices at a later date. Please note, this will NOT submit your choices for approval If you have not submitted your options for approval, you may clear any existing selections using the Abandon Choices button If you wish to choose a module that is not presented or have any other queries, you may add a comment to your submission Once you have completed your selections, pressing the submit button will present you with the confirmation screen
9 Pressing Submit and Save Choices will finish the selection process and pass your choices to the relevant convenor/approver Pressing Back to Submissions will return you to the choice process without submitting for approval If for any reason your selections do not meet the rules specified, a message will outline where you have deviated. Your can select the Back to Submissions to correct these or continue to submit but please add some comments to explain your rationale to your conveners.
10 It is possible to UnSubmit Choices to make amendments up until the point that they are approved, after this time, you should contact your convenor/approver directly in your School(s). After you have submitted your selection, please log into this system periodically to check whether your selections have been approved. If you are taking a combined degree, then the Choices are fully approved will not show until both your subject conveners have approved your selection. You will also receive an to your Roehampton account when ALL your subject(s) have been approved.
11 Key Points to Remember If you have any Registration Questions please contact the enquiries helpdesk who will be able to assist you : Make sure you keep an even balance between Autumn & Spring Modules during your selection process. Follow all the guidance of your programme. This system is built with some of these rules to help you. If you want to do ANY modules OUTSIDE your programme, then place your requested module (with code) in your notes on submission. Alternatively you can visit your convener/programme secretary and he/she will be able to advise you on how to proceed.