Ch. 6 Welcome to Kansas
Ch. 6 Welcome to Kansas Nearly everyone wanted to come to Kansas. Everyone was welcomed except Native Americans. Homestead Act Idea for opportunity and ownership of land in West. Over age of 21 Had to be a citizen (or intend to be one) Pay $10 and live/farm on land. Show improvements over 5 years and receive land title. (160 acres) Could buy land before 5 years is up for $1.25 per acre.
Ch. 6 Welcome to Kansas Tenant Farming Offered opportunity for small family farmers. Starting was not cheap! ($500-$1000 for equipment) If a farmer failed then they could become a tenant farmer. Renter, farm land for someone else. Preemption Act For Squatters, could buy land after 14 months for $1.25 per acre. Option to buy land earlier than Homestead Act.
Ch. 6 Welcome to Kansas Adapting to the Plains KS was dependent upon national economy. Times of depression were especially hard on Kansan’s. Hard to farm with little money and poor weather conditions. Many Kansan’s lived in dug outs or sod houses. Had to adapt to environment and lack of wood. Barbed wire created to keep herds corralled. Dug deep wells, used windmills to pull water to the surface.
Ch. 6 Welcome to Kansas African American Migration After being set free many looked for new opportunities. Nicodemus One of the first African American settlements. From Kentucky, had some money. Got there late in the year, far away from other towns/cities. Exodusters Second wave of African American settlers. Named after the Bible Story, Exodus from Egypt Many were poor, moved to cities instead of setting up settlement.
Ch. 6 Welcome to Kansas European Settlers German Largest group of settlers in KS. Economic opportunity, religious/political freedom. Chain migration – migration that is caused by feedback from people who have already immigrated. Great Britain Overcrowded cities in G.B. Recruited by railroad company’s. Emigration Company buys land from railroad. Swedish Famine in Sweden, large population of farmers. Religious freedom from Lutheran church. Disagreement over practices.