Visualisation of UWWTD data in WISE: map viewer and data viewer 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Map viewer : current status (1) 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Map viewer : current status (1) UWWTD Agglomerations Map derived from EU 18 Production DB Scale 1 (default entry view – 1:15.000.000): summary pies (treatment type) on Member State level Scale 2: (1:15.000.000 – 1:500.000): agglomerations presented as dots of different diameter depending on their size Scale 3: (1:500.000 - more detailed): agglomerations >150.000 p.e. presented as pies (type of treatment), agglomerations ≤ 150.000 p.e. presented as purple dots of different diameter depending on their size 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Map viewer : current status (2) UWWTD Agglomerations 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Map viewer : current status (3) UWWTPs Map derived from EU 18 Production DB For the scales 1 : 5 000 000 and less detailed summary pie charts for each Member State presented. Size of each segment of the pie charts is proportional to the number of UWWTPs per treatment type. The segments are coloured according to the different treatment types. For the scale more detailed than 1 : 5 000 000, individual UWWTPs are presented in the map as coloured squares with the colour of the square reflecting the treatment type of the UWWTP. 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Map viewer : current status (4) UWWTPs 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Map viewer – next steps May publication (EU 25 dataset) Agglomerations UWWTPs November publication Receiving areas Big cities 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Data viewer (1) To be developed for UWWTD data Added value to information/data viewed in WISE maps Maximum use of data reported 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Data viewer (2) - Inspiration – Bathing directive data viewer 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Data viewer (3) - Inspiration – Bathing directive data viewer View: Detailed information on bathing water quality
Data viewer (4) Useful features – viewing data at different levels of aggregation (country, NUTS,…..) Versatile types of data visualization (Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth) Viewing trends 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen
Data viewer (5) Ideas for UWWTD data viewer Viewing UWWTD information aggregated on country level, NUTS, RBD level, rca, and (WB level- future) Agg (allomeration size, generated load) Uwwtps (PE, treatment type, load entering) Viewing compliance check information 11-12 May, 2009, Workshop on Reporting on UWWTD Petra Ronen