How the MoversPOE E-Tracking System Works for You! Introduction
Without an E-Tracking System Following a shipment is an exhausting and tedious process because you need to frequently: Manually type all the information about the Customer Manually fill all the Shipment related documents (Instructions, CBP/ISF, etc.) Verify the dates with the Shipping Company, the Agent and the Customer Continually update your files, your Agent, your Customer… Also, you need to be available to answer Customer enquiries whenever they call, even at the busiest and most inconvenient times.
What Will E-Tracking Do For Me? E-Tracking is a great way to service your Customers and provide them with a state-of- the–art moving experience Our E-Tracking System provides the tools that will help YOU track your shipments accurately and efficiently from start to finish with minimal typing
E-Tracking: Communication Easily send a Welcome message, a request to fill in their personal details, Time Table and other information updates to the Customer Customers fill in their details (addresses, dates, etc.) Easily send messages to Agents and Partners: Pre-Alert, Delivery Instructions, Booking, CBP/ISF 10+2 (for shipments to the USA) and Time Table update Schedule, Messages and attached files reside on-line, accessible to the Customer, the Agent and YOU, 24/7 from anywhere in the world!! Supports 9 Languages!!
E-Tracking: Reminders With MoversPOEs E-Tracking System, you do not need to check the status of your consignments every day!! You get a reminder a few days before every Consignment Milestone The Shipping Company receives an reminder to check and update the Time Table of your consignment a few days before its arrival and departure Destination Agents receive an reminder a few days before the ETA and any other activity that is their responsibility You receive notifications by every time the Customer, the Shipping Company or the Agent modifies any information related to the shipment
With the MoversPOEs E-Tracking System you dont have to check status daily and you wont forget any Shipping Dates And, your Customers enjoy 24/7 Internet access to their most updated information MoversPOE E-Tracking System Means More Efficiency
How It Works Mover/Customer Synergy You send a Welcome message to the Customer, asking them to fill in their personal details You fill in the Shipment Information and the Consignment Schedule Your Customer receives updates by and can monitor their Shipment Status and Schedule on-line 24/7 at their convenience
You select the Agent from the MoversPOE list of Agents. Contact information is uploaded from the MoversPOE database with one click With one click the E-Tracking System generates an to the Destination or Origin Agent The Agent modifies the information directly into the E-Tracking System and the system notifies you of the Agents changes by How It Works Mover/Agent Synergy
Supported Types of Shipments Individual Groupage Sea Air Land Import Export Move Management
The MoversPOE E-Tracking System Works for You! MoversPOE E-Tracking System Works for You! Works for You!