COMMUNITY COMMUNITY Intercept 0 Hospital, Crisis, Respite, Peer, & Community Services Intercept 1 Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Intercept 2 Initial Detention & Initial Court Hearings Intercept 3 Jails & Courts Intercept 4 Reentry Intercept 5 Community Corrections & Community Supports 911 Dispatch CIT training Western State Hospital 800 beds in state, 84 beds in county; Competency to Stand Trial Evaluation; Forensic Telehealth Evaluation Project Crisis Lines United Way 2-1-1; Optum BHO Protocall crisis line 24/7; WA Recovery Helpline 24/7; RI International Recovery Support peer warmline 3-11PM; National Veteran’s Suicide & Crisis Line Initial Detention Screening: veteran, self-report mental health, substance use, & suicide (contracted); supervision available for substance use; Pretrial enters jail for MH screen; Pierce County Alliance screens for Drug Court and deferred prosecution Corrections Reentry Violations Parole Pierce County Alliance provides drug/alcohol outpatient services Arrest Law Enforcement Tacoma Police Department: ~280 officers, MH training at Academy & 8-hour in-service; 3 co-responders; Lakewood PD has a Co-Responder Program, also do homeless outreach 8-11PM; Pierce County Sheriff’s Department: 350 officers, provides CIT training, 4 co-responders from 8AM- 1AM, 7 days/week; Other large PDs: Puyallup Tribe of Indians, WA State University, DEA; also 22 town PDs with ~ 5 officers each District Courts Behavioral Health Unit, w/50-person caseloads; Drug Abuse Reduction Team (DART, 1st-time felony drug possession, no jail) Superior Specialty Courts Felony Drug Court:12-month program; Felony Mental Health Court: 50 clients, 80 client capacity, 18-month program, accepts SPMI w/felonies, FACT staff; AOT Pilot w/5 clients; Family Recovery Court: 27 clients; Veterans Drug Court: 12-month program Max-outs Mobile Outreach Crisis Team (MOCT) Through MultiCare BH; 24/7; 26 FTE mental health staff COMMUNITY COMMUNITY Friendship Diversion Community service, low-level felonies, charges dismissed if successful, If fail, case is refiled w/time period to fulfill contract (6-12 months) Crisis Care Continuum MultiCare BH (outpatient/inpatient, peers, PACT, mobile medical van); 3 state-run residential treatment facilities w/48 beds, plus 3 beds in Auburn; 2 in Fairfax for Pierce County; Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare (outpatient & involuntary inpatient treatment); RI International Recovery Response Center (16 beds + overflow, up to 14 days, peers); Western State Hospital (84 county beds); Pierce County Alliance (20-bed Adult Outpatient Treatment Center) Hospitals St. Joseph Medical Center (adult inpatient unit at Kitsap MH Services- 15 involuntary beds); MultiCare’s Tacoma General Hospital (27-bed teen MH program; Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital (MH up to 18 years of age) Probation DOC case management inventory Trueblood-funded housing and rental assistance Jail Reentry Embedded social workers for reentry planning, PATH housing assessments, caseworkers collaborate with NaphCare re: warm handoffs to providers (24-72 hour reentry plan) Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare: Community Re-entry Program (housing/support for those with high number of jail bookings); their Jail Transition Program clinicians provide reentry services and follow-up District Court Resource Center Pierce County Alliance’s Alternative to Confinement (provides case management & monitoring in lieu of jail time) Pretrial Release In lieu of charge, jail mental health access, no 1077 history Detox Services MDC’s Tacoma Detoxification Center (16-bed medical detox 13yrs and up); VA Puget Sound Health Care System; 2 opioid treatment centers 5AM-1PM Jail Average population 1,100; 85-87% pretrial; includes 184 transitional-age youth; traditional supervision section w/mental health unit, also drug, DART, and pre-trial probation housing units; NaphCare provides medical care; Pierce County Alliance has 3 substance use counselors; VA does in-reach Violations Arraignment Misdemeanants moved out within 5-7 days; embedded social worker Prosecuting Attorney refers individuals to diversion options Housing Services Luckett House (MultiCare, residential treatment); Greater Lakes Mental Healthcare (PATH program, Seeley Lake Lodge, Cedars and Spanaway Commons, HARPS); RI International Community Building Program; Rescue Mission; Catholic Housing Services (22 shelters, 17 transitional housing facilities, 52 permanent housing properties in WA); Betsy Ross Hall (female veterans); Pioneer Human Services (housing list for reentry) Citations Conditional Release Post arraignment, consider community supports Puyallup Tribal Jail