Reformation in Europe 1500’s – 1600’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Reformation in Europe 1500’s – 1600’s

51. What is the Reformation? (3) 1. Reformation – historical movement that led to the start of many new Christian churches that broke away from the Catholic church 2. Re-forming of the Catholic church 3. Modern Christian (Non-Catholic) denominations trace their origins back to the Reformation Insert a map of your country.

52. How did the Reformation transform Europe? (2) 1. Until then, all Christian churches in western Europe were Catholic. 2. Along with the Renaissance, the Reformation created a new age of free thought and individual freedom in Europe. Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.

53. Why did the Catholic church’s religious & moral authority start to weaken? (5) 1. Humanism- humanists believed in free thought. They began to question many traditions and beliefs of the Catholic church. 2. Corruption – problems in the church added to the questioning. Catholics were disturbed and aghast by the immoral and dishonest behavior of the church (terms to know: indulgences, simony p348). 3. Some popes seemed more concerned with $ & Power than with spiritual matters. 4. This led to Catholics crying out for reform. 5. Those that broke away from the church were called Protestants. Insert a picture illustrating a season in your country.

Reformation Insert a picture of an animal and or plant found in your country.

54. What was the importance of Lutheranism during the Reformation? (6) 1. Martin Luther (Germany) was excommunicated from the church in 1521 2. 1st major protestant sect (group) were called Lutherans 3. Followers disagreed with Catholic church about sin & salvation 4. Catholics believed that people could earn salvation by following teachings and practices. Believed sacraments (baptism, reconciliation) wiped away sins. 5. Lutherans denied that people could earn their salvation. They said that salvation was God’s gift which people received through faith in God. 6. Lutherans believed that people would be saved if they sincerely believed in Jesus Christ. Add key points in the history of your country to the timeline.

55. What was the Importance of Calvinism during the Reformation? (4) 1. Founded by John Calvin (French Humanist) in 1541 2. Calvin believed that God knew from the beginning who would be saved. 3. Predestination – belief that the fate of people was decided at the beginning of time 4. There was nothing people could do to change their destiny Insert a picture illustrating a custom or tradition here.

56. What was the importance of Anglicanism during the Reformation? (8) 1. Founded in 1534 by King Henry VIII in England who broke away from the church for political and personal reasons. 2. He wanted more power and wealth to himself. 3. He wanted a divorce, the pope refused, so he took matters into his own hands. 4. He had Parliament (England’s lawmaking body) declare him head of the English church. This began church of England Anglican church 5. Anglicans believed that baptism washed away sins (like Catholics), but were also influenced by Protestant ideas. 6. Believed that Salvation only occurred from justification of sincere faith (Lutheran) 7.  Anglicans believed that to go to heaven, people just needed to believe in God, regret their sins, and receive God’s mercy. 8. Believed people should have privacy & choice in how they practice religion Insert a picture of the head leader of your country.

57. What was the Counter-Reformation? (2) 1. Protestantism continued to spread & Catholics tried to regain followers 2. The Catholic church: Clarified teachings Corrected abuses Tried to win people back Insert a picture that illustrates some part of your country’s economy.

58. What was the Scientific Revolution? (4) 1. 1500-1700 during the “Age of Exploration” 2. Modern science emerged as a new way of gaining knowledge about the natural world. 3. During Scientific Revolution, scientists challenged some of the traditional teachings about nature and life (from some religious & classical thinkers) 4. Scientific Revolution Rockstars: Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man Copernicus’ heliocentric (sun at center) theories Galileo’s telescope & theories of gravity Isaac Newton – Law of Gravity Rene Descartes – Scientific Method Insert a picture of one of the points of interest for your country.