A Peculiar Institution Slave System in the South
A Varied, but Unified Constant movement for richer soil Division of south Upper south focuses on crops less labor intensive, agricultural diversification Deep South single crop oriented, poses problems Ostracizing binds them together Lack of growth stunts opportunities
Slavery as an Institution Numbers small, influence profound Small plantations the norm Only 25% of population owned slaves Cultural differences emerge Farther west sees less sophistication Role of slave master altered
Bulk of The South Yeoman Farmers Dependent on neighborliness and communal cooperation Complex web of economic, social, and political ties Dependent of planter class for market Planter class controlled political and social justice Resentment brews Nonetheless no class solidarity, racial lines drawn
Diversity of Slave Life Northern slaves better situation Southern slaves experienced greater hardships Treatment dependent on each individual owner Manual constructed to help
Cont…. Religion implemented Families encouraged Believed to keep slaves under control Provided slaves with comfort, mixture of African and Christian elements Spirituals; heavy with Biblical themes Families encouraged Reduce attempts of escape Tool of threat
Rebellions Fewer than expected Nat Turner sent a wave of fear through region 1831 Two days of chaos 55 whites and slaves killed Led to creation of even stricter laws Northerners applauded
Tensions Mount Regionally State admissions brings rise to debates over slavery Southerners see factory workers being treated worse than slaves Abolitionist movement growing in the North