How upland and lowland alleles contribute to the optimal genotype at each field site. How upland and lowland alleles contribute to the optimal genotype at each field site. (A) The bar plots above zero correspond to the summed effects of alleles across loci, where the upland allele made plants larger. Bar plots below zero correspond to the summed effects of alleles across loci, where the lowland allele made plants larger. (B) The percentage of the overall biomass increase caused by lowland alleles for the optimal genotype at each field site. To calculate values, the genotypic effects of all significant QTL (effect >2 SE from zero) at each site were extracted. The predicted effects and SEs of these QTL were then multiplied by the sign of the effect at each site and summed for each site. David B. Lowry et al. PNAS 2019;116:26:12933-12941 ©2019 by National Academy of Sciences